

作者(外文):Pai, Pi-ling
主題關鍵詞:空間資訊技術考古學地理資訊系統空間分析Geospatial information science & technologyGeographic information systemArchaeologySpatial analysis
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隨著空間資訊技術的多元化發展,已成為許多學科研究運用的途徑之一,考古學研究亦嘗試運用空間資訊技術,來建構遠古遺跡的時空變化模式。考古遺址挖掘出來複雜的物件類型,可經由橫向與縱向的串連分析,探求其文化層序與文化類型的歸屬,進而預測考古遺址的分布地點,掌握區域文化發展的過程。 以地理資訊系統作為分析處理考古資料空間屬性的技術,可供研究者概觀其資料的空間分布模式,並呈現考古遺址分布的環境特性;同時,針對不同時期的資料排比,則可掌握特定類型資料的縱時限空間分布變化形式。最後,善於運用空間資訊技術的網路資料整合查詢功能,將可為考古學研究提供成果展示介面。
Along with the diverse development of geospatial information technologies beginning to impact research activities in many disciplines, the field of archaeology have raised in an attempt to deal with spatio-temporal form of ancient artifacts and features, to detect the cultural layers and types of the sites, and to predict the potential distribution sites, so as to distinguish the process of regional culture transition. The application of GIS (Geographic Information System) for interpreting space provides access to all the landscape, so that archaeological researcher can investigate the spatial implications of archaeological evidence in a broad environmental context and change. Besides describing distribution pattern of the sites and modeling sites spatial probability, the dominant use of GIS (Geospatial Information Science & Technology) can provide interactive query approach through web interface to present the archaeological research information.
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1.Wheatley, David(1995)。Cumulative Viewshed Analysis: A GIS-Based Method for Investigating Intervisibility, and Its Archaeological Application。Archaeology and Geographical Information Systems: A European Perspective。Bristol, PA。  new window
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