

作者:李志峰 引用關係楊慶南張霖家呂青山
作者(外文):Lee, Chih-fengYang, Ching-nanChang, Lin-jiaLu, Chin-shan
主題關鍵詞:臺灣職棒大聯盟運動贊助辨識效果Taiwan major-league professional baseballCorporate sports sponsorshipRecognition effect
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     隨著傳統媒體的廣告變得越來越貴並且破碎,運動贊助已被視為一種具有成本效益的替代選擇方案。因此,本研究以大葉大學248名學生為研究對象,施以「大專學生對企業認養台灣職棒大聯盟球隊辨識效果」問卷。主要目的在探討大葉大學學生對企業認養台灣大聯盟職業棒球隊的贊助辨識效果與其差異性。所得資料以描述統計以及卡方考驗進行統計分析。研究結果如下: 1.雷公隊認養企業年代電視辨識率最高(26.2%),太陽隊認養企業誠泰銀行辨識率居次(22.2%),金剛隊認養企業宏�砦q腦最低(20.2%),研究推論辨識率的高低與認養時間的長短有關係。 2.不同性別、運動頻率、觀賽經驗以及收視頻率在辨識台灣大聯盟職業棒球隊的認養企業上皆達到顯著性差異(p<.05)。
     As the traditional media have become increasingly expensive and cluttered, corporate sport sponsorship is now viewed as a cost-effective alternative. Therefore, this study employed the Survey of College Students on Corporate Sponsorship of Taiwan Major-League Professional Baseball Teams to survey 248 students at Da-Yeh University. The purpose of this research was to investigate the recognition effect and differences in recognition rates of college students with regard to corporate sponsorship of Taiwan Major-League professional baseball teams. Descriptive statistics and an χ2 -test were adopted for data analysis. The results were as follows: 1.The corporate sponsor ERA TV obtained the highest recognition rate, 26.2%; Macoto Bank next, at 22.2%; Acer Computers the least; at 20.2%. It was concluded that there is a positive relationship between recognition rate and period of sponsorship. 2.Different genders, exercise frequencies, onsite-watching experience and TV-watching frequencies all reached significant difference levels with regard to recognition rates (p< .05).
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