

作者(外文):Yang, Jui-chuanLee, Wen-yi
主題關鍵詞:體適能日間部夜間部FitnessDay schoolNight school
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教育部民國八十八年的研究報告指出,我國大專校院學生體適能大多不及美國、日本和大陸學生,研究報告同時指出,我國大專男、女學生心肺耐力不如高中生(教育部,1999)。對於平日運動量較少的夜間部學生,對其體適能之瞭解與促進,應如日間部學生同等重視。本研究旨在比較萬能技術學院八十九學年度日、夜間部3565名男、女學生體適能概況及其差異,同時探討年齡對各項體適能因素之影響。經採用教育部頒訂之體適能測驗方法,檢測所得資料經統計分析後,獲得下列二項主要結論: 一、日間部男生在柔軟度、瞬發力及心肺耐力顯著優於夜間部男生。日間部女生的柔軟度、瞬發力及心肺耐力顯著優於夜間部女生,且BMI值亦顯著高於夜間部女生;而夜間部女生的肌力與肌力顯著優於日間部女生。 二、男生的BMI值、肌力與肌耐力隨著年齡增加而增加,心肺耐力則隨著年齡增加而顯著退步。女生的肌力與肌耐力隨著年齡增加而增加,心肺耐力、柔軟度、瞬發力則隨著年齡增加而顯著退步。
Based on the recent reports from the Ministry of Education in 1999, the overall fitness levels of our collegiate students were lower than that of the students from the USA, Japan, and Mainland China. Based on common observation, the students attending night school have less opportunity to engage regular exercises. It s therefore, important to understand the fitness levels of students attending night school and compare those data with the data of day school students. Three thousand five hundred and sixty five VIT students participated in the study. Standardized fitness tests were used and the results showed: 1. Both male and female day school students demonstrated better flexibility, power and cardiovascular endurance than their counterpart attending night school. However, night school female students demonstrated better than day school female students on strength and strength endurance. 2. Male student had a positive correlation between age and BMI value, strength and strength endurance, but a negative correlation between age and cardiovascular endurance. Female students had a positive correlation between age and strength, but a negative correlation between age and cardiovascular endurance, flexibility and power.
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