

作者(外文):Huang, Helena Y. C.
主題關鍵詞:TeachingPhysical education學校體育教學
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  This article was a review on research on teaching in physical education and a prospect of the 21st century. The area contacts with education and focused on instruction and activity in P.E. classes, and also influenced by the field of P.E. and Sports. It is closed to the new area of sport pedagogy. In Taiwan, the area was starting from non-mainstream role into firm development. Now, because of the most benefit factors in the whole society, including setting more institutes related with P.E. and policy of continuing education for teachers. This area grows up gradually. The prospect was analyses by topics and methods. The future topics will be considering of teaching quality of effectiveness and properly, including teaching sciences, teaching styles, curriculum models, values and structures, and discuss about different policy of teacher education and different stages of teachers' professional growth. The future methods will focus on observation, qualitative methods, action research and variously methods adoption. In this rapidly changing century, research on teaching in P.E. will be problem solving and vary oriented. And still, hopefully, it will develop a local research style of P.E.
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