

作者(外文):Yang, Guo
主題關鍵詞:墓誌女性形象Sung dynastyEpitaphsFemale figures
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This article attempts to interpret the female figures presented in the Song epitaphs and its authors from the angle of「gender」, by analyzing how and why females are depicted so and the implications they have for the female community and the society at the time. The article believes that an established pattern has been developed in the depiction of women in the song epitaphs, in which female figures have been simplified as filial daughter, obedient daughter-in-law, honorable wife, or caring mother, instead of a more complex daughter-in-law, honorable wife, or caring mother, instead of a more complex community with great diversity as in real life. One of the major reasons that contribute to this phenomenon is that the principle authors of the epitaphs are men. Despite differences in the author’s personal perspectives, the patriarchal perspective in general, which denies the female subject, has guided the construction of the epitaphs text, in which female lives have been deconstructed and reorganized by the male perspective and become the desire object of patriarchal society as men endeavor to continue the family line, climb on the social ladder, and lead the family and countrymen. Meanwhile, the female community has reinforced the patriarchal values towards women as they model their lives on the female mode advocated by the patriarchal society. The patriarchal control over female text finds full expression in the epitaphs of Song Dynasty.
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