

作者:陳逸祥郭慎莊榮仁 引用關係汪立民
作者(外文):Chen, Yi-shiangKuo, ShenChuang, Jung-jenChiang, Li-min
主題關鍵詞:中國摔跤中國式摔跤傳統器械輔助訓練Chinese shaujiaoTraditional implementsAssist trainingWeight training
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From the history of Chinese shuajiao, it has developed series of specific physiological training equipment. However, these training equipments have not been will organized, causing the lack of learning. The study will focus on China and Taiwan Chinese shuajiao, to classify and organize different instrument training method. This study has been support and validated by Taiwan and China Scholars. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the concept of eastern weight training, witch is used to perform in actual combat, which is differ from the eastern concept of total strength training. If Eastern and Western are well-arranged, than this new concept should be a great support in strength training.
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