

作者:楊政學 引用關係林依穎
作者(外文):Yang, Cheng-hsuehLin, Eing
主題關鍵詞:旅館業知識管理個案研究三角測定Hotel-keepingKnowledge managementCases studyTriangulation
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  • 被引用次數被引用次數:期刊(1) 博士論文(1) 專書(0) 專書論文(0)
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This paper used the qualitative research and the triangulation of data to study and compare the practical operation on the hotel-keeping cases. The database was combined the primary in-depth interview and secondary documentary files. We built the theoretical and practical model of knowledge management on hotel-keeping. This study found six conclusions: The first, to build the friendly service and humanistic culture for increasing the organization managerial performance. The second, the difference on enterprises managerial styles would influence their goals. The third, the good feedback of organization change could improve the consideration of organization strategies. The fourth, the standard of operation process would increase the innovational speed. The fifth, the lack of information system would obstruct the operation of knowledge management. The sixth, the flexibility of performance evaluation could strengthen the operation of knowledge management. The hotel-keeping had to build the common on knowledge management, but the integration on knowledge management needed to be strengthened. They had to develop the e-document system, which to connect the enterprise culture and organization institution and to improve the efficiency on the knowledge management execution. The hotel-keeping must to consider the employees training and career development for decreasing the resign from their office.
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