

作者:盧玫諭郭聰智 引用關係楊裕寬
作者(外文):Lu, Mei-yuKuo, Tsung-chihYang, Yu-kuang
主題關鍵詞:運動代表隊組織承諾量表Athletic teamsOrganization commitment
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  本研究昌在建立一份適用於大學運動代表隊評量其組織承諾之量表。所周之量表乃是以李元敬、鍾志明和林育理(2000)所編製的組織承諾量表為藍本,並以Porter 、Steers 、Mowday和Boulian(1979)所提出的1.價值承諾、2.努力承諾以及3.續留承諾等三個構面為問題發展之思考方向,更配合運動團隊所具備的特殊性所擬定的一份量表,共計有384 位輔仁大學運動代表隊選手參與。所得資料以SPSS for Windows 10.0統計系統進行整理,並以獨立樣本T檢定(t-test)、皮爾遜積差相關與單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)等統計方法進行項目分析、因素分析、信度分析與效度建構,分析結果:在項目分析後保留所有題項,接著因素分析發現以四個共同因素、16 個題項進行分析所呈現的內容最具意義,在檢視分量表題目內容之後,分別將其命名為「認同承諾」、「續留承諾」、「努力承諾」和「規範承諾」,所得的解釋變異量分別是26 .4 1% 、14.51% 、13.89% 、13.21%,累積解釋變異量68.01% 。另外,以內部一致性做為信度分析的依據,所得各分量表之α值各是0.89 、0.81 、0.80 與0.77 '整體量表之α 值為0.91,各分量表皆具有良好的內部一致性。此外,各分項與分量表總分之相關程度除第6 題與第11題稍稍偏低外,其餘皆在0.6 以上,顯示各分量表具有相當高的同質性。最後經由所述之探索性因素分析建構量表效度。
  The purpose of the study was to develop an organization commitment scale for athletic teams of university. The used scale was based on a commitment scale developed by Yuan-dun Li, Chih-ming Zhong and Yu-li Lin in 2000 , and a. Value Commitment, b. Effort Commitment and c. Retention Commitment three levels, suggested by Porter, Steers, Mowday and Boulian (1979), and in concert with characteristic owned by athletic teams. A total of 384 athletes of Fu Jen Catholic University were involved. The collected data were arranged, item analyzed, factor analyzed, reliability analyzed and validity constructed with SPSS for windows 10.0 system. The result of analysis was to save all items, and found that a four-factor solution include of 16 items was the most meaningful. After checking the concert of subscale, the factors were labeled Identity Commitment, Effort Commitment, Normative Commitment and Retention Commitment, which accounted for 26.41%, 14.51%, 13.89% and 13.21% of the total variance, and Cumulative Variance Explained was 68.01%. Additionally, Cronbach's alpha was calculated as reference for reliability analysis, and a value of each subscale was .89, .81, .80 and .77. Integrate scale's a value was .91, so it could be regarded as a high reliability scale. Besides, each item to subscale correlation without 6th and 11th item were above 0.6, this brought out that it had goodish coessentiality. Finally, the validity of this study was constructed with factor analysis.
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