

作者:郭貞 引用關係張卿卿 引用關係
作者(外文):Kuo, ChengChang, Chingching
主題關鍵詞:網路廣告唬弄式廣告網路行銷感官刺激需求幽默感Banner adTrick bannerInternet marketingSensation seekingSense of humor
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Many online marketing practitioners love to increase the click through rate of banners ads with trick banners. Trick banners are banners that fool the user to click on them by disguising themselves as an ordinary application window or a site navigation method. A high CRT rate doesn't equate a good quality of exposure. A user may leave the site quickly when he realizes that he is fooled, or he may even feel negatively toward the designated site. This study attempts to examine the effects of three types of trick banners, meanwhile take into consideration some of the individual's personality traits. With the collaboration of a large portal site on Taiwan, 1378 internet users participated in our online quasi-experiment. Our findings indicate that users felt the game-play banner more interesting but didn't lead to a more favorable attitude toward the ad itself and to the destination web site, it could only enhance information need for the product. Both the fake application window banner and the fake navigation banner aroused negative feelings among the users and developed a less favorable attitude toward the ad itself and the connected web site.
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