

作者(外文):Hsieh, Jian-chyuan
主題關鍵詞:課程統整資優教學統整課程資優生Curriculum integrationGifted educationIntegrated curriculumGifted students
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     本研究主要在探討國小如何因應九年一貫課程的實施,加強資優生課程的規劃與教學。以「課程統整」的概念,發展資優生統整課程及其教學設計。研究對象為高雄市加昌國小資優源班五年級學生30名及老師5名。藉由資優課程的發展及資優班教師進行的課程設計與實際教學,以問卷方式,瞭解資優生對於統整課程的學習感受;以訪談方式,瞭解資優班教師對於以「課程統整」為概念規劃統整課程等相關問題的看法。研究主要發現: 1.資優生對於「課程統整」為概念,進行三國演義──「諸葛智慧,三國之最」的課程規劃與教學,相當有興趣,喜歡老師依專長分工、設計不同教學內容。 2.資優生認為主題式統整課程的規劃,可以增進其學習意願及獨立研究的能力。 3.受訪的資優班教師,亦多肯定以「課程統整」為概念,認為在資優班所進行的統整課程與教學,適合資優生的學習需求。 4.為增進主題式課程統整的效能,教學與行政上仍須有相當的配套施,尤其是如何籌組校內教學團隊、建立資優班教學諮詢管道與提供完善的教學資源設備等,仍待克服。
     The main purpose of this study is to promote curriculum planning and designing for gifted students as the development of curriculum for K-9 in elementary school. the concept of curriculum integration is adopted by resource room for 30 gifted students and 5 gifted teachers in Kasoshiung Municipal Jia-Chung Elementary School as the development of integrated curriculum and its teaching design. The perceptions of gifted students in elementary school on these topics are investigated through the surveys. furthermore, by interviewing resource room of gifted teachers, this study compares the attitude curriculum. the major findings are: 1.The gifted students believe that they are interested in integrated curriculum, which developed 2.The gifted students think the thematic integrated curriculum can increase their learning interests and potentials in future study. 3.The gifted teachers have positive attitude toward the integrated curriculum, most of them do believe this model is more appropriate to gifted students. 4.For better improvement of this model in resource room, the gifted teachers do hope than the schools have to organize a team-work of teaching, establishing some cousulting channels for teacher, and providing more facilities for gifted students.
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