

作者(外文):Wu, Chien-hoTsai, Hsiang-szuLin, Chun-yu
主題關鍵詞:音樂商品消費行為行銷市場區隔Consumer behaviorMarketingMarket segmentationMusical products
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     音樂商品一直是社會大眾生活娛樂的要素之一,然在製作成本提高、數位科技進步及盜版等多重因素的衝擊下,音樂市場及唱片業者都受到了極大的生存挑戰。本研究以大學生為研究對象,探討此一消費族群購買音樂商品的消費特徵與行為特性,研究結果可做為業者在制定行銷策略與手段時的參考。   研究發現,大學生族群在音樂商品的消費支出不僅減少,而且購買正版品的比例也不到五成。購買的誘因主要為價格、促銷及收藏價值等。從市場區隔的角度來看,受訪者可以分成「自我偏好導向」及「流行追求導向」二個集群,各集群的消費行為也有一些差異。   本研究以問卷為資料收集的工具,並以SPSS(Windows版)進行資料分析,使用技術主要包括變異數分析(ANOVA)、因素分析(factor analysis)及集群分析(cluster analysis),樣本來自北部某大學。
     Musical products have long been a major element in the entertainment of the general public. However, both the market and music producers are facing an agonizing situation posed by high production costs, widespread misuse of information technology and violations of intellectual property rights. The purpose of this survey study is to construct a profile of the musical purchasing behavior of university students. By doing so, practical programs for marketing campaigns can be devised. The survey results show that more than 50% of the respondents have or had behaved against the protection of intellectual property rights. The main factors considered in buying an authorized copy include price level, promotions and collection value. Respondents can be clustered into two groups which differ in some ways in terms of consumer behavior. Samples for this survey were obtained from a university located in northern Taiwan and were analyzed by using SPSS by ANOVA, Factor Analysis and Clustering Techniques.
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