

作者(外文):Chen, Ming-chengLi, Shin-liang
主題關鍵詞:電腦態度電腦學習經驗電腦學習環境Computer attitudes scaleComputer learning experienceComputer learning environment
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了解學生的電腦態度對落實資訊教育深具參考價值,本研究之目的即在發展量表以評估國小學童電腦態度;在填答的829份問卷調查中,有效問卷計808份,於本研究中所使用的統計方法有項目分析、因素分析、獨立樣本t檢 定、單因子變異數分析等。 電腦態度量表包含31個題項,五個分量表分別為:電腦信心、電腦有用性、電腦控制感、電腦焦慮和電腦喜好,內部一致性Cronbach’sα係數達0.91,電腦態度與電腦學習經驗、電腦學習環境呈正相關,顯示該量表具頗高的信度與效度。34%的國小學童曾參加課外電腦課程教育訓練,86%小學生的家庭擁有電腦,65%可上網,家人會操作電腦者佔84.5%,家人會鼓勵使用電腦者有63%。 統計分析結果:男學生的整體電腦態度優於女學生,每遇使用時間越長、家中有電腦、家中可上網、家人其操作電腦能力及會鼓勵使用電腦者,電腦態度顯著較為正向,「每週使用電腦時數」的預測變項,對國小學童的 電腦態度解釋力較大。本研究結果可應用於實務資訊教育之課程設計與實施策略,並提供學生及家人具體的參考與實際的建議。
The purpose of this study is to develop a scale to assess students' computer attitudes in the primary school. Understanding students' computer attitudes is an important reference for promoting information education. In this study 829 primary school students completed the Computer Attitudes Scale (CAS) , 808 valid samplings were measured. The statistical methods used in this study were item analysis, factor analysis, independent sample t-test, one way ANOV A ( analysis of variance) and stepwise regression. The CAS consists of 31 items. There are five main subscales, which compose the instrument for examining the attitude of applying computers: computer confidence, computer usefulness, computer control, computer anxiety and computer liking. The reliability value of Cronbach's a is 0.9058; there are positive relations among attitude toward computer, computer learning experiences and computer learning environments. This result indicates that the CAS has relatively high validity and reliability. According to the data of student's personal background, there is 86% of family, which have computers and 84.5% of the family members are able to operate computers. From the result of the study, the male students are more positive toward to the computer than the female students are. Regarding the study result in computer learning experiences, it will be obviously improved if the time is longer for the student using computers per week.Related to the result of the computer learning environments, students, who have a computer at home with Internet available, have better computer acceptance than the others who do not have a computer at home. The result of this study can be applied to the program of information education and it also provides a realistic suggestion for teachers, students and their parents.
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