

作者:吳文傑 引用關係秦大智江佩珍
作者(外文):Wu, Wen-chiehChin Ta-chihChiang Pei-chin
主題關鍵詞:線上購物購物導向休閒導向Shopping orientationOnline shopping
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網際網路應用與電子商務快速發展,帶動線上購物的發達,學術研究針對線上購物也有相當的成果。然而,除了在經營者觀點與網站設計兩層面外,對於消費者行為的研究,尤其休閒導向消費者的線上購物行為,隨著經濟生活水準的提升,實有進一步深入探討的必要。本研究透過探索性因素分析,將過去有關休閒導向的變項彙整,並依分析結果命名建立休閒導向的三個構面:重視產品多樣化、追求購物樂趣與善用休閒時光。接著,以此理論構念進行實證研究,以結構方程模式驗證理論構念之因果路徑關係,且納入產品類別變數進行分析比較差異。 結果顯示,休閒導向消費者對於線上購物的採用,主要影響因素為線上產品多樣化的重視(β=0.25, t>1.96)。利用類別分析後,發現對線上購物採用的影響,因主要購買產品類別的不同而有差異,當產品類別為便利品時,其影響採用決定的因素同樣來自於對產品多樣化的重視(β=0.25, t>2.58);當產品類別為選購品,則來自於休閒導向消費者對線上購物樂趣的重視(β=0.10, t>1.96)。最後,本研究依據研究結果,對線上購物網站經營者提出建議,並期以此提供後續研究更全面完整的思考。
As the applications of Internet and electronic commerce growing fast, online shopping has prospered for a while, with certain amount of studies on it as well. Their points of view, however, have been keeping on web design and management, and few of them focuses on consumer behavior, especially recreation-orientated consumers. This research collects explanatory variables and categories them with factor analysis as 3 factors: variety of products, fun of shopping, and leisure-time exploitation. Then, we use SEM to test this casual model, and take types of products into consideration at the same time. With 373 samples, the results refer to that variety of products is the main impact for recreation-oriented consumers to adopt online shopping(β=0.25, t>1.96), and that different types of procucts may result in different impacts. Recreation-oriented consumers who shop selective products, forexample, may adopt online shopping mostly because of fun of shopping (β=0.10, t>1.96). Finally, we give some advices to firms of online shipping and the results could be taken into consideration in futher researches.
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