

作者:吳仁和 引用關係王育民李瑞國盧淵源
作者(外文):Wu, Jen-herWang, Yu-minLi, Ruei-guoLu, Iuan-yuan
主題關鍵詞:工業爐市場定位多元尺度分析Industrial furnaceMarket positionMultidimensional scalingMDS
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Will the emerging of the global competition, the market strategy has evolved from production-centric to customer-centric for the furnace industry. Therefore, to success in the competitive environment, the industry furnace suppliers not only need to acquire the advanced technology for their products but also need to understand customers’ requirements and identify the suitable market position. This research utilizes survey method and multidimensional scaling (MDS) technique to investigate the critical factors for the selection of industry furnace and customer’s value perception for each supplier in Taiwan, and then provides the market position suggestion. The findings of this research provide an empirical basis for industry furnace customer in their understanding of the suppliers it also helps suppliers understand their current market position and help to make further position decision.
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