

作者:何采容 引用關係黃國欽 引用關係徐台閣
作者(外文):Ho, Tsai-jungHuang, Kuo-chinHsu, Tiger
主題關鍵詞:急性有氧運動白血球亞型細胞氧化還原態Acute aerobic exerciseSubpopulation of LeukocytesOxidant and reductant
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白血球亞型細胞可分為多型嗜中性球(Polymorphonuclear leukocytes, PMN)、單核球(monocyte)及淋巴球(lymphocyte)細胞,這些細胞都是人體重要的免疫防禦系統。若免疫細胞受到氧化傷害,可能無法發揮其正常功能。研究顯示,運動時的強度是改變選手生理現象的原因之一。在高強度的激烈運動時,由於有氧代謝的增加致使體內出現較高的氧化物;還原能力若無法平衡氧化物,氧化壓力隨之產生,最後會導致細胞或組織內的氧化傷害。 本研究的目的在於探討單次急性運動後白血球亞型細胞內氧化還原態的變化情形。受試對象以8位長跑俱樂部之選手,於跑步機以其最大攝氧量的85%的運動強度跑30分鐘,分別在測驗前12小時(pre)、跑步後立刻(immediately after)分別抽血,利用流式細胞儀(flow cytometry)分析血液中多型性嗜中性球、單核球及淋巴球細胞內的過氧化氫(hydroxyl peroxide, H[feaf]O[feaf])和穀胱甘(glutathione, GSH)等生化值濃度。結果發現,在跑步後,各種白血球亞型細胞內之過氧化氫濃度均有增加的趨勢,單核球及淋巴球細胞更達顯著水準(p<0.05)。尤其是跑步後淋巴球細胞氧化態的增加比率為最高。另外,本研究也發現運動後在各種的白血球亞型細胞中的穀胱甘?濃度值皆會明顯上升(p<0.05),尤其是PMN的還原態所增加比例最大。本研究的結論:急性有氧運動後,會造成白血球亞型細胞產生氧化狀態昇高,淋巴細胞最易受到氧化傷害。同時也會誘發還原能力的正向反應,以多形核細胞產生穀胱甘肽濃度的比例最高。
The subpopulation of leucocytes can divide into PMN, monocyte and lymphocyte. These cells are all human body’s important immune systems of defence. If the immune cells are in-juried by oxidative stress, it may be unable to work normally. Growthing evidences indicated that the intensity during exercise is one of the reasons which changes player’s physiological phenomenon. In high intense and acute exercise, because the increase of the aerobic metabolism causes higher oxidants in the body; if the reduced status is unable to balance oxidants, oxidative stress will be produced then contributed to oxidative damage in cells or tissues. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of one acute bout of exercise on oxidants and reductants in the subpopulation of leukocytes. Eight endurance runners who performed aerobic exercise for 3 consecutive days (85% VO2max) on treadmill and every event for 30 min were recruited in this study. Venous blood samples were collected from subjects running before 12 hr, immediately after, respectively. The levels of hydroxyl peroxide (H2O2), glutathione (GSH) concentration in subpopulation of leukocytes were measured by FACScal-iber flow cytometer. H[feaf]O[feaf] concentration was increasing trend in subpopulation of leukocytes and there were significantly enhanced in monocytes and lymphocytes (p<0.05). Especially, the increasing percentage of oxidants was highest in lymphocytes after acute running. In addition to, GSH concentration was also increasing in subpopulation of leukocytes after running (p<0.05). The higher increasing percentage of reductant was emerged in PMN. Conclusion: After acute and aerobic exercise may be responsible for higher status of oxidants in subpopulation of leukocytes and reductants exhibited positive response to oxidants. However, the phenomenon of oxidative stress in leukocyte could still probably be produced after acute aerobic exercise.
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