

作者:李明正 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, M. Q.
主題關鍵詞:軍工複合體陽光法案利益迴避肉桶政治Military-Industry complexSunshine lawInterest conflictsPork barrel
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「軍事工業複合體」(Military-Industrial Complex)(以下簡稱軍工複合體)此概念是由美國前總統艾森豪總統(Dwight D. Eisenhower)於1961年在其總統告別演說中首先提出,其意義指美國社會中「龐大軍事體制與國防工業連結」形成一種複合體(Complex),其不當之影響力將會對美國所依賴之民主政治運作產生不當影響,值得美國注意。時至今日美國軍工複合體更以其他面目出現並對美國社會產生重大影響。
The first time the term Military-Industrial Complex was publicly uttered was in President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell speech at which time he warned the American public to beware the insidious influence and creeping hold the military, defense research-technology, corporate and governmental hydra had on the nation. Forty years on, it is surely fitting to look afresh at Eisenhower's warning, and to appraise the present and future of the military-industrial complex. The American people have heeded Eisenhower's warning, but MIC has become part of American society. All they can do is live up with it.
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1.Knickerbocker, Brad(20020213)。Return of the ’military-industrial complex'?。  new window
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3.Robertson, Jack(19900430)。Defense Business Plan: Pray。  new window
1.Kurth, James R.(1989)。The Military-Industrial Complex Revisited。American Defense Annual, 1989-1990。Lexington, Mass:Lexington Books。  new window
2.Potter, Trevor(1997)。Where Are We Now? The Current State of Campaign Finance Law。Campaign Finance Reform: A Sourcebook。Washington, D. C.:Brookings Institution Press。  new window
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