

題名:А.П.Чехов прблеме соотношения полов
作者:劉皇杏 引用關係
作者(外文):Liu, Hwang-shing
主題關鍵詞:契訶夫女性問題女性兩性關係Чеховженский вопросженщинасоотношение половChekhovThe woman problemFemaleRelations of the two sexes
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契訶夫作品真實呈現了十九世紀埃俄國的社會狀況,此時俄國社會各界正廣泛地探討研究著「女性問題」,而這個問題也成為當時最具爭議性且最重要的議題。 於一八八三年時,契訶夫曾深入研究達爾文學說,並反對當時眾多著名學者所發表的理論,例如:斯卡里可夫斯基(K.A.C???????????)、藍道(M.Hop?ay)等人提出以各種方式證明男性優於女性之理論。無論是以生理學或解剖學的角度而言,這些理論所闡述的觀念皆強調女性天生的缺陷,他們認為原因在於,女性是時代塑造下的產物。契訶夫早期的作品在某種程度上也補充說明了這些觀點,但另一方面,這些作品卻也存在了某些駁斥這些觀點的論述。 契訶夫早期作品,曾嘲弄女性與生俱來之某些負面特質,例如:智慧不足、無法了解藝術的真諦及順從男人等等。但若仔細分析契訶夫的作品,則不難發現男人和女人之間有多處共通點,當然也包括他們共同的缺點。透過契訶夫作品中所塑造出的主角形象,可歸納出一個結論一人性心靈的複雜性與自然天性是相互矛盾的,沒有任何理論可公完美地呈現並解釋它。
Chekov’s writings properly represent the circumstances of Russian society at the end of the nineteenth century. At that time, the “woman problem” was widely discussed and progressively became significant. In 1883, Chekov studied Darwinism closely and denied many modern theories proposed by contemporary theorists, such as K. A. Skalkovsky, M. Nordau, C. Lombroso and G. Ferrero. Those theories aimed to prove in any way that the masculine were superior to the feminine, whether from a physiological or anatomical viewpoint. Those theories emphasized the imperfection of woman’s nature, which, however, can be considered as a phenomenon of the time. In his early writings, Chekhov illustrated those perspectives to some degree, but on the other side, he contradicted those theories in his early writings. In his early writings, Chekhov mocked at some negative characteristic of the feminine, such as an insufficiency of dignity and intelligence, a lack of understanding the essence of creative works, and obedience to the masculine. But from the analysis of his works, there exist many mutual characteristics between the masculine and famine, as well as common deficiencies. By means of considering the behavior and the actions of his characters, Chekhov arrives at the conclusion that the human soul is contradictory to nature and is so complicated that no single theory can reveal and expound it perfectly.
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1.Катаев, В. Б.(1998)。Сложность простоты: Рассказы и пьесы Чехова。М.。  延伸查詢new window
2.Кузнецова, М. В.(1978)。Творческая эволюция А. П. Чехова。Томск。  延伸查詢new window
3.Астафьев, П. Е.(1881)。Психический мир женщины, его особенности, превосходства и недостатки。Москва。  延伸查詢new window
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8.Нордау, М.(1892)。В поисках за истиной (парадоксы)。СПб。  延伸查詢new window
9.ЛомброзоЧ、Ферреро, Г.(1897)。Женщина преступница и проститутка。Киев。  延伸查詢new window
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12.Катаев, В. Б.(1979)。Проза Чехова: проблемы интерпретации。М.。  延伸查詢new window
1.Головачева, А. Г.(1983)。От«Попрыгуньи» к «Душечке»。Чеховские чтения в Ялте。M.。  延伸查詢new window
2.Балухатый, С.(1930)。Библиотека Чехова。Чехов и его среда。Л.。  延伸查詢new window
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