

作者(外文):Lin, Kuo-binHwang, Chi-kuang
主題關鍵詞:瞄準射箭Aiming procedureArchery
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在競爭日益激烈的射箭比賽中,射箭動作的穩定性,一向是致勝不可或缺的要素。射箭選手在瞄準的過程中,一方面須穩定的鎖住瞄準的目標,另一方面又須持續的伸展,以抵抗張弓後強大的回拉力,同時還須將箭拉過夾箭器來放箭,因而常容易在彼此的配合上有些酗?酋w的現象產生,導致選手瞄準時間的增長與肌群的疲勞,進而產生弓身的偏斜及頭部的偏離,而不自知。因此,為使射箭選手能有效且準確的完成瞄準動作,除了須縮短瞄準伸展的時間外,還必須注意每箭間瞄準固定點的正確性,以增加射箭的準確性。此外,若能再利用科學儀器,如高速攝影機(High-Speed-Video)、測力板(Force-Plate)、肌電圖(EMG)、雷射光筆(Laser Pen)等,應用在選手的瞄準動作上,觀察選手更細微且不易被肉眼所發現的細部動作,來作為加強重量訓練或修正瞄準動作的參考指標,相信透過這資訊的提供,將會對選手瞄準技術的提升有所助益。
Stability of aiming procedure is the key factor of competitive archery sport. During the aiming procedure, archers need not only a stable target locking action but also a continuous and steady stretch, which is to sustain a strong force generated by the bending of bow. Usually, the arrow is needed to be pulled through the clicker, but it often happens that the above two actions are not synchronized. Therefore, the corresponding period of aiming procedure becomes longer and longer, and the muscle strength is then weaken by the prolonged period. The weaken muscle strength may unconsciously cause the tilt of bow or undesired head movements. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of aiming procedure, to reduce the period of aiming procedure becomes very important, in addition to an accurate and fixed aiming point. Moreover, scientific equipments, such as high speed video cameras, force plates, electromyography (EMG), and laser pointers, can obtain details of archery aiming actions for improving archery performance.
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