

作者(外文):Chiang, Chih-chieWang, Bo-minLuo, Rong-qinChen, Jun-zhong
主題關鍵詞:足弓形態下肢傷害Type of footInjuries of lower extremities
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足弓型態與下肢傷害之間有一假設性關連,就形態而官,足可以依據不同的足弓高度被功能性歸類為幾種型態。本研究主要目的在探討足弓形態與下肢傷害之相關性,以108位大專男性學生為受試者,進行簡單之足圍測量及下肢各部位疼痛、傷害之問卷調查。統計方法採用百分比例及相對危險比,比較分析各足弓形態與下肢傷害之關係。資料經分析與討論後得到以下之發現二扁平足、高足弓足在下肢疼痛及傷害之發生率比正常足高。傷害與疼痛發生的比例由高至低分別為膝傷害、踝關節、足底筋膜炎、跟骨、阿基里斯腱炎、髖關節。有些傷害常發生在高足弓群、有些則發生在低足弓群,有些則是同時出現在兩種足型上。 高足弓與低足弓是足部結構異常特殊族群,由於解剖構造上的差異使他們在從事身體活動時下肢所呈現在運動學與動力學的差異不但增加了傷害的可能性,也同時描述兩種足型不同的傷害屬性。
There is a closed link between injuries of lower extremities and arch type of the foot. As far as morphological strcuture is concerned, feet may be functionally categorized into many types on the basis of arch height. The purpose of this study was to explore the correlation between arch type and injuries of lower extremitiew. 108male subjects weree accepted a simple foot outline measurement and questionaire about related injuries of lower limbs. Adopting percentile rate and relative rate of risk to analyize the relationship between foot type and injuries on lower limbs. After data trestment, the findings were listed as followed: High-and low-arched feet had a high tendency on injuries than normal feed. These aches and injuries were listed orderly : knee、 ankle、 plantar fascitis、calcaneus、Achilles tendonitis、hip, some happened on high-arched group, some on low-arched group, and some appeared both high-and low-arched group at the same time. High-and low-arched people easily lead to mechanical deviations that placed them at increased risk for injury due to their lower extremity structural deviations.
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