

作者:許禎元 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Chen-yuan
主題關鍵詞:公民教育公民教學道德價值Moral valuesCivic educationCivic teachingMoral values
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臺灣禱的在經歷快速工業化和都市化過程後,民眾的道德值觀已明顯改變,逐漸由集體主義轉變為個人主義,即從傳統社會轉型到公民社會(civic society),乃出現道德價值的差異性。在個人主義盛行的社會裏,大至漠視國家社會利益,小至個人自我意識強烈,學校傳統的公民課程,也同樣面臨挑戰的命運,而不得不另出路。本文即在透過此一研究,探討1)公民課程的適當性;2)道價值觀的分佈;3)公民教學與道德塑造。冀望藉由此一途徑的探討,不僅開發新的課程領域,並提升學校公民教學的有效性。具體而言,本文研究的目的,在瞭解下列問題; 1.受測者道德價值感的分配 2.受測者道德價值感與修習課程的相關 3.受測者道德價值感在人口變項的差異 4.受測者道德價值感在公民教學的差異
After rapid industrialization and urbanization, people’s moral values in Taiwan have changed obviously, to transfer collectivism into individualism. There were moral deviations happen in epoch of transformation. In society of individualism, even the civic curriculum of schools confronts with the challenge items ranged widely from national welfare to self-consciousness. Therefore, this study is aimed to discuss 1) the rightness of civic curriculum; 2) statistical distribution of moral values; 3) the shaping of moral values and civic teaching. By so doing, this study can not only explore the new sphere of curriculum, but also to evaluate the validity of civic teaching. By this survey, the study want to reach conclusions listed as follows: 1.The statistical distribution of moral values of the sample 2.The statistical correlation of civic curriculum and moral values 3.The statistical distribution of moral values caused by population variables 4.The statistical distribution of moral values caused by civic teachings
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