

題名:Sociolinguistic Variation of Power and Severity in Interlanguage Behavior of Disagreement
作者:段惠珍 引用關係
作者(外文):Tuan, Jeanne H.
主題關鍵詞:面子威脅不贊同權力冒犯程度中介言語行為禮貌Face threatDisagreementPowerDegree of severityInterlanguage behaviorPolitenessEnglishSpeech act
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本研究旨在比較臺灣英語學習者為舒緩或加強不贊同面子威脅力量所使用的策略及用語,以瞭解不同文化所造成差異。本研究經由角色扮演問卷調查進行語料收集,並以描述統計來分析不贊同語式與不同文化的語用差異 (pragmatic difference)。我們有以下幾點發現: 1.當美語為母語者扮演公司總裁對屬下所提出的計劃案表達不贊同時,大多先表達對屬下的努力與計劃肯定的看法(positive remarks)及感謝,然後在對此案進行批評。而大多數的臺灣英語學習者對屬下所提出計劃案直接進行批評,並鮮少使用肯定或感謝用語。 2.當美語為母語者扮演大學學生對教授的評分表達不贊同時,卻以批評教授評分不公或反駁教授對他們能力的否定,來捍衛自己的價值與能力。相反地,臺灣英語學習者在同一狀況時,則訴說自己得低分的心情感受,並且強調自己對此考試的重視與努力,進而要求教授再給自己補考的機會。 Brown & Levinson (1978; 1987)的禮貌理論中,權力地位與冒犯程度二因素可說明在自然情境裡,人們使用不同的策略與用語去表達不贊同,但不足解釋所有不贊同語式的產生。本研究則指出文化差異與說話者所回應的語式〈如不合理的指責〉亦會影響說話者選擇使用表達不贊同的策略及用語。
The propose of this paper is to make a comparative study of act types of and politeness strategies for Turn 2 (T2) disagreements between American English native speakers and Taiwanese EFL learners in the institutionalized talks for better EFL/ESL teaching and learning. Two situations for disagreement are devised for college students in the United States and Taiwan to fill in what they would say when the disagree with the claim or assertion made by interlocutors with power differentials: the higher-status (a university professor) and the lower-status (an assistant). When disagreeing with the assistant, the Taiwanese speakers were found to employ more face-aggravating oppositional acts (challenges and contradiction) than the American participants do. In addition, the Taiwanese subjects applied less politeness strategies to disapprove of the assistant’s proposal than their American counterparts do. The use of the positive remark has been identified as an important preface to disagreement among the American participants. When disagreeing with the professor, quite the reverse, the American speakers used the act type of contradiction relatively higher than the other types of T2 disagreement and the proportion of use of aggravated disagreement rises. To the contrary, due to the influence L1 sociolinguistic rules, Taiwanese EFL speakers tended to resort to the strategies of complaints and make justifications on the time, work or effort to minimize threat to the professor. Severity of disagreement, demonstrated by different cultural groups, could have two opposite results: in one, politeness was increased to lessen face threat to the addressee (like American corporate executive’s disapproval of their assistant’s proposal and Taiwanese student’s disagreement with a professor’s assessment); in the other, face threat to the speaker outweighed considerations of the addressee’s face, leading to aggravated disagreement (in this case, American student’s disagreement with a professor’s assessment and Taiwanese corporate exeutives’ disapproval of their assistant’s proposal). Brown and Levinson’s (1987) factors of power and rating (=severity) can be used to understand some of the ways in which disagreement was expressed in the natural data, but these factors cannot be treated as formulaic variables, nor are they sufficient to account for all means for expressing disagreement. This study also highlights the significance of the type of act with degree of severity to which participants respond to their interlocutors with an asymmetrical power relation.
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