

作者(外文):Liu, Bang-hai
主題關鍵詞:退休基金確定提撥制確定給付制資產配置退休基金管理產業Pension fundsDefined contributionDefined benefitAsset allocationPension fund management industry
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由於全球人口結構高齡化問題日益嚴重,各國紛紛實施退休金制度改革,以解決老年人的經濟問題,而世界銀行亦於1994年提出退休金常度改革方案,推動全球性的退休金制度改革,且已初具成效。然而,1997年以來不斷爆發的金融風暴,卻導致退休基金所投資的金融資產大幅縮水,危及各國的退休金制度。因此,世界銀行乃推動將退休基金投資國內,以穩定國內金融市,從而確保老年人的經濟安全。 自從投資組合選擇模型明確指出經由多樣化可降低投資風險以來,全球化投資逐漸成為潮流,而近年來由於通訊科技的發,國際資金所進行的跨境逐利活動亦造成國際金融市場動盪不安。本研究從異於金融理論的關觀來探討退休金制度改革問題,忽略金融理論所追求的極佳化投資方式,以期獲致總體經濟之極佳化。經由退休金制度改革,累積大量長期而穩定的資金,將其大舉投資於國內金融市場,不僅能避免發生國際金融風暴,而且各國的總體經濟與金融市場亦得以穩定發,從而讓退休人員能安享晚年的經濟生活。 本文係從謀求退休金制度與金融市場能相輔相成且各蒙其利之觀點,從退休金制度改革之國際發趨勢,及其對受雇者之保謢措施,探討退休金制度改革對金融市場之影響,並對我國老年給付制度所存在的問題及政府規劃的改革方案提出檢討,最後根據世界銀行的觀點,先進國家之作法,以及我國的國情,提出結論與建議。
Due to the aging of population is a worldwide tendency, most countries all over the World Bank also proposed an approval which requires pension companies invest the bulk of their funds domestically. This paper highlights pension system reform’s goals, general trends, the Bank’s thinking, and the links between pension system reform and financial markets, Which are driven by the Bank’s mandate to help countries develop economically. Because of the long-term nature of pension funds and their stability, our conclusion is that workers should be forced to save by making contributions to domestic pension funds, and invest the funds in domestic securities and insurance products to foster the development of domestic financial markets, so as to develop economically and secure stability of financial markets and adequate income for workers when they retire.
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