

書刊名:臺北市立教育大學學報. 人文藝術類社會科學類自然科學類
作者:吳明蒼 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Ming-tsang
主題關鍵詞:休閒休閒滿意休閒滿意量表LeisureLeisure satisfactionMeasure instrument of leisure satisfaction
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本研究旨在以Beard 與Ragheb 發展之休閒滿意模式及其所編製的簡式休閒滿意量表為基礎,建構大學生休閒滿意量表之編製,並分析其適配程度。本研究以日間部大學生為研究對象,共進行兩次問卷調查,以隨機取樣方式,各發出問卷450 份,回收有效問卷分別為402 份與393 份,有效問卷回收率分別為89.3 %與 87.3%,問卷回收資料經由項目分析、信度分析、探索性因素分析及驗證性因素分析,共萃取五個因素,計有放鬆層面、心理層面、社教層面、身體層面、及美感層面,測量題項則保留十八個,而量表各層面之α係數遠高於.7,全量表之α係數甚至達.9 以上,顯示其內部一致性高。至於模式經修改後,其整體模式適配度經驗證性因素分析後,其結果是,χ2 值為181.85、χ2∕df 為1.58、GFI 值為.94、AGFI 值為.91、RMR 值為.045、RMSEA 值為.043 、CFI 值為.98、NFI 值為.96、NNFI 值為.98、CN 值為257.09、顯示整體模式適配度佳。
The purpose of this study was to construct the measure instrument of leisure satisfaction of day division university students and to analyze the fit of the instrument, which was based on the model of leisure satisfaction and the Leisure Satisfaction Measure (LSM) developed by Beard and Ragheb. The population of this study was university students of the day division, and surveys were conducted during two different periods of time by random sample selection. Four hundred and fifty (450) students were surveyed each time, and 402 and 393 valid survey instruments were returned, constituting 89.3% and 87.3% rate of valid instrument respectively. The data collected were analyzed by item analysis, reliability estimation, exploratory factor analysis, and confirmatory factor analysis. Five factors were extracted from the results, including relaxational dimension, psychological dimension, social and educational dimension, physiological dimension, and aesthetic dimension; 18 items in the LSM were retained. The Crobach alpha coefficient in each dimension in the instrument was significantly greater than 0.7, and the Cronbach alpha coefficient of the entire instrument was higher than 0.9. Thus, high internal consistency of the survey instrument was revealed. In addition, after modification of the model of leisure satisfaction, results of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated thatχ2 =181.85, χ2 ∕df=1.58, GFI=.94, AGFI=.91, RMR=.045, RMSEA=.043, CFI=.98, NFI=.96, NNFI=.98, and CN=257.09. Therefore, the good overall fit of this model was demonstrated.
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