

作者(外文):Liu, Chang-chia
主題關鍵詞:周敦頤太極圖說順化逆化Chou, Tun-yiExplanations of Tai Ji DiagramTai-ji-tu-shuoShun-huaNi-hua
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Chou, Tun-Yi's “Tai Ji Diagram” originated from Chen, Tuan's “Wu Ji Diagram (diagram of supreme ultimate).” “Explanations of Tai Ji Diagram (Tai-ji-tu-shuo)” is the interpretation for “Tai Ji Diagram,” only 246 words in total. To see from the level of “Tai Ji Diagram,” we can observe clearly that it is a kind of universe creation diagram of “Shun-hua-sheng-ren (the universe's process of creating human beings and objects),” and “Explanations of Tai Ji Diagram (Tu-shuo)” includes the processes of “Shun-hua” and “Ni-hua.” The universe creation mode of “Explanations of Tai Ji Diagram (Tu-shuo)” is Wu Ji (supreme ultimate)→Tai Ji→five elements→all God's creation. This kind of world view is apparently from the mixing concepts of “The Corresponding Mode between Heaven and Man” and the theories of Yin, Yang, and five elements of Han Dynasty, and the universe creation theory developed by Taoism after Wei Dynasty and Jin Dynasty. The value of Chou, Tun-Yi's theory of “Shun-hua-sheng-ren (the universe's process of creating human beings and objects)” lies in establishing the actual metaphysics, emphasizing the origin of the world and all God's creation are actually existing, and not illusory and unreal. Here the statement is obviously aiming at the Buddhist theory. At the aspect of “Ni-hua,” Chou, Tun-Yi transformed the process of cultivating one's physical and mental capabilities according to Taoist rules, and becoming a celestial being into the Confucian school's ethical spirit of the golden mean, benevolence and righteousness that correspond to the nature law. This kind of transformation converts the Taoism's religious belief and ultimate ideal of becoming an immortal with the human body into the cultivation of Confucianism directly. Just like what Joseph Needham said, Chou, Tun-Yi's "Shun-hua" theory and "Ni-hua" theory take the entirety of the universe to be the organism of the common life. All things on earth yield from this organism, and are also part of this organism. Of course, the common great life consists of all special things under the sun. So, all special things on earth can also realize the common great life of the entire organism through themselves.
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