

作者(外文):Chang, Su-chaoLee, Ming-shingShih, Shu-min
主題關鍵詞:訓練需求組織分析工作分析人員分析Training needOrganization analysisJob analysisPersonnel analysis
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本研究採實證研究方式,主要探討企業如何瞭解專業人員的訓練需求,進而給予適當且明確的訓練。本研究對象為國內某企業集團旗下之物流公司(在此簡稱P公司)的五個專業單位員工。在研究設計上,研讀文獻資料後,運用組織分析、工作分析、人員分析等觀念,透過專家訪談及問卷調查兩種方式,以建立P公司核心專業部門之「核心專業規範」,並以「核心專業規範」為依據,透過訪談方式探討各核心專業單位員工在各項能力的具備程度,進而瞭解各單位專業人員明確的訓練需求。 在研究結果方面,本研究建立了P公司五個專業單位之「核心專業規範」,其內容的呈現以「工作知識」、「工作技能」及「工作態度」三大象為主,並依其重要性原則排列一提供P公司做為人員專業能力具備程度之檢視與訓練參考。在訓練需求結果方面發現:各專業單位人員的訓練需求上,顯示「個人化」之訓練需求會較「共同化」的訓練需求大;而部門與部門之共同訓練需求交集部份較少。 由於本研究是採實證研究方式進行訓練需求之探討,故其研究模式及研究結果,除了提供個案公司做主要參考外,亦可提供給一般企業組織做為專業人員訓練需求檢視之參考。
Within this research, we adopt the experimental investigation with the main focus onto the way how firms actually realize the training demands from their own professional personnel so that firms can appropriately offer the concrete training programs avaliably. The subjects of this research are the professional employees of the logistic company of a certain business group locally (briefed as the P Company below). About the research model design, after reviewing the relevant scientific lectures, we adopt some concepts like organization analysis, job analysis and personnel analysis and also use 2 methods of expert interview and questionnaire survey to create the “Core Professional Standard” for the said professional department of P Company. Also, based on the “Core Professional Standard”, we further investigate various professional levels of employees from professional departments by means of personal interview. Thus, it is available to bring us with the clear idea for the actual training demands at the professional employees' side.
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