

書刊名:國立臺北教育大學學報. 人文藝術類
作者:張世宗 引用關係
作者(外文):Chang, Shih-tsung
主題關鍵詞:遊戲博弈游藝學PlayGames of chancesGames of strategiesEdutainment
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許多的遊戲與玩具的設計或是使用的過程中,經常融入了許多不可預測的「機率」與挑戰智力的「策略」的概念,並且藉由形式上不斷的延伸與變化,讓玩家對之著迷且鑽研其中,這正是「博弈」遊戲所特具的吸引人之魅力。這類型的遊戲得以發展至今歷史悠久,無非是能夠切合人性的慾望與需求。 研究者建議一個新興學術研究方向與範疇—「游藝學」,正是意在探究玩物對人所產生效應、影響與意義。以「博弈」遊戲作為探討的主題,正是此種研究方向的一項初探與示例。 據此,本文以游藝功能的分析來探究「機率」(博)和「策略」(弈)兩種流傳深遠的遊戲玩法,主要有以下兩項意義: 1. 藉由針對「博/弈」兩類玩具之形式性和功能性的探討,來分析此兩種遊戲類型之間,其遊戲功能的相同性和相異性; 2. 透過「博弈類」玩具之游藝研究分析,顯示出游藝學的研究功能與分析應用模式;也讓一般民眾了解到益智遊戲形式表象背後隱藏的「文法」,以及其樂趣與意涵的本質。
Many toys or games are designed with rules that involve chances and strategies. These kinds of toys and games are fascinating to their players who were often engaged to the uncertainty and challenging properties embodied in them. Since these kinds of toys and games have existed in a long history and fit into human being’s needs and wants, this study is intended to disclose their fascinating effects. And by doing this, a new research field that focus on studying the interactivities and effects caused by these interactivities between toys and games and human players can be suggested. Therefore, this study has two purposes: 1. To analyze the similarities and differences between games of chances and strategies in terms of their forms, as well as play functions; 2. Through the execution of the above task, to demonstrate how we can apply the analyzing approaches of “UE (Edu-tainment) Study” to detect out the “grammar” of these games, and therefore, to understand how these games are so attractive and popular.
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