

作者:李勝雄 引用關係
作者(外文):Lee, Sheng shyong
主題關鍵詞:運動教育學運動教育臺灣Sport pedagogySport educationTaiwan
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運動教育學在臺灣算是一新興的學門和研究領域,紮根的歷史也僅十年之久,在這期間,臺灣運動育學的發展,無論就觀點,視野和議題,多以國際的趨向為師。然近幾年,臺灣的運動教育學在專家學者的努力耕耘下,已逐漸孕育出臺灣獨特的多元視點,論見和議題,並有令人激賞的研究成果。 本文以事後回溯,試從臺灣運動教育學的研考面向、課題、方法、對象和思維,回顧近幾年的發展實況,苀以導出臺灣運動教育學未來的發展課題與可能的趨向。 回顧紮根十年的臺灣運動教育學,在研究面向,步趨整體性研究發展態勢;在研究課題,關注課程、教學、師資和邊際四層面的整體性探究;在研究方法,質化研究亟待深化;在研究對象,宜重初中等教育階段的根基探究;在研究思維,著力學門的科學定位和價值;在發展課題,接軌國際,營創自屬的學術研究體系。
Sport Pedagogy in Taiwan is a new and developing research that started about 10 years ago. In this period, the aspects, issues and eyeshot of that most followed international trends. However, it had gradually gestated Taiwan’s distinctive aspects and opinions in the recent years, also, there are fine achievements presented through many researchers’ efforts. The retrospective study attempted to retrace the recent development of sport education in Taiwan from the research dimensions, research topics, research methods, research subjects and research thoughts to illustrate the development issues and possible trends in the future. When looking back on the development of sport education in Taiwan. We can see that the research dimension had gradually developed toward the whole exploration. About the research topic, it focused on curriculum, instruction, teacher and margin. About the research method, the qualitative analyses need to be emphasized more and it’s necessary to increase and enhance the research that take elementary and junior or senior high school students be research subjects to steady the basic development. About the research thought, it stressed the scientific orientation and value of Sport Pedagogy and we hope to build up the research system with our distinctive aspects and opinions, furthermore, to become a part of the international academic system.
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