

作者:高蘭芬 引用關係陳安琳 引用關係湯惠雯 引用關係曹美蘭
作者(外文):Kao, LanfengChen, AnlinTang, Hui-wenTsao, Meilan
主題關鍵詞:共同基金績效衡量模擬分析Fama-french模式報酬動能Mutual fundPerformance measureSimulationFama-french modelMomentum
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共同基金的績效衡量方式有Sharpe measure, Treynor measure, Jensen's α及appraisal ratio,這些衡量指標彼此之間對於基金之績效常有不一致的看法。本文以模擬分析法來探討共同基金績效指標的正確性。研究結果發現,衡量共同基金的風險─報酬比率的相對績效指標,如:Sharpe、Treynor、Appraisal等傾向於低估基金的風險─報酬比率。而絕對績效指標中,如不考慮基金的擇時能力,Jensen's α最能正確的衡量出共同基金的投資績效;而在考慮基金的擇時能力時,則以Carhart四因子模式α較能正確的衡量基金績效。而擇時模式通常低估基金的擇時能力被。另外,小規模股票基金及低淨值市價比股票基金有較佳之績效,而股票動能策略並不存在於台灣共同基金市場之中。
The literature about measurement of portfolio performance is exclusive but controversial. This paper employs a simulation approach to evaluate fund performance of randomly constructed portfolios and stylized portfolios. We find that without market-timing consideration Jensen's α measures fund performance precisely. On the other hand, under market-timing consideration, α under Carhart model does a better job in measuring fund performance. Furthermore, market-timing ability is typically under-estimated.
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