

作者:祝道松 引用關係盧正宗 引用關係趙玉鈴
作者(外文):Zhu, Dauw-songLu, Cheng-tsungChao, Yu-ling
主題關鍵詞:實是性會計理論紅利計畫假說負債/權益假說政治成本假說Positive accounting theoryBonus plan hypothesisDebt/equity hypothesisSize hypothesis
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The purpose of this study is to understand what factors influenced the manager’s decision in making accounting choices from the premise of the stakeholders’ satisfaction. This research applies the three hypotheses:bonus plan hypothesis、debt/equity hypothesis and size hypothesis in the positive accounting theory to examine 186 publicly held companies in Taiwan. Bonus、debt/equity、interest coverage ratio、size、capital intensity and risk are independent variables. Firm’s discretionary accrual is the dependent variable. This study using linear regression model to examine if there are relations between independent and dependent variables, and the results indicate that two of these factors (interest coverage ratio and risk) have a significant association with the firm’s discretionary accruals.
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