

作者:吳志中 引用關係
作者(外文):Wu, Chih-chung
主題關鍵詞:反分裂國家法聯合國憲章侵略罪破壞和平自決權臺灣中國Anti-secession lawCharter of the United NationsCrime of aggressive warBreaches of the peaceRight to self-determinationTaiwanChina
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中國通過「反分裂國家法」,這是一項極具爭議性的立法行動,不但受到台灣朝野的強烈關注,也引起國際社會的矚目。「反分裂國家法」片面將台灣列入一中架構,對我國主權的傷害,尤其是「反分裂國家法」含有「戰爭授權法」條款,並以此做為中國對台動武的法律基礎,將威脅區域的和平穩定。台灣身為「反分裂法」所宣稱的規範對象,除了關心中國動武的可能性之外,更應質疑中國是否有權對台灣立法並設定法律限制的權力?以及中國所制定的反分裂法是否違反國際法?本文旨在於探討中國『反分裂國家法』之法理缺失,尋求藉此凸顯我國在國際間實際上獨立自主狀況的可能途徑。首先,中國制定「反分裂國家法」片面將台灣視為中華人民共和國的一部分,並禁止任何人民或團體主張或採取獨立的選擇,此點完全是違反國際人權條約保障自決權的相關規定。其次,自1928年巴黎廢戰公約(Le Pacte Briand-Kellogg 1928)以至於聯合國憲章通過後,禁止使用武力即屬國際法確立之原則。因此這部法律以不放棄武力為前提,並預設對台動武的各種條件,此點完全違反聯合國憲章。甚至中國政府若將「反分裂國家法」加以實施,則更觸犯「侵略罪」、「破壞和平罪」等受普遍性管轄(Universal Jurisdiction)的國際犯罪。同時,反分裂法的立法程序不但不尊重民意,並有多項不合法理的立法瑕疵,違反「依法治國」原則。此外,中國的『反分裂國家法』規定「大陸和台灣同屬一個中國、「台灣是中國的一部分」等,此點在形式上稱為法律之政治宣示,由於其前提未有法律依據(Standing),因此其任何主張並無形式上之有效性。究其實,反分裂法十條條文憑藉的不是法理而是暴力,中國反分裂國家法第2條之敘述,並未符合國際法之有效主張,而只是一種不生任何法律效果之單方、片面的意思表示。
The Anti-Secession Law passed by the Chinese government is a controversial move that not only caught Taiwan's attention but concerned by the international community. This law's unilaterally claim that "Taiwan is a part of China", and the legal enforcement to use of arm forces against Taiwan will no doubt threaten the stability and peace in the region of Asia Pacific. Taiwan, being the targeted object of Anti-Secession Law, other than considering the possibility of military threat from China, should also question the legality of Chinese government's right to impose its domestic law against Taiwan. Essentially, one of the most important question of this article is to ask: does the Anti-Secession Law violate the International Law? This article aims to discuss the legal deficiency of Anti-Secession Law, in order to spotlight all the possible ways for claiming Taiwan as an independent sovereign country to the International Community. Firstly, the Anti-Secession Law, which unilaterally claims Taiwan as a part of China and forbids any person or group from advocating independence, violates International Human Rights Treaties and the universal principle of freedom of choice. Secondly, since the Kellogg-Brigand Pact in 1928 and the passage of UN Charter, the principle of non-aggression has been established. Therefore, if the Chinese Government insists on implement this law, it should be regarded as committing Crime of Aggression and War Crime. Besides, the legislative procedure of Anti-Secession shows neither respect of public opinion nor legal basis. In other words, Anti-Secession Law relies merely on the use of arm forces instead of legal standing so it should be regarded as invalid by the International Community.
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