

題名:Toward a Harmonious Revocation System for Taiwan's Patent Law
作者:謝祖松 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsieh, Tsu-sung
主題關鍵詞:專利早期公開異義舉發公眾審查雙方當事人專家審查一事不再理法院二元制國際調和無效程序專利範圍解釋PatentEarly publicationPre-grant oppositionRevocationPublic examinationEx parteInter partesExpert panelRes judicataBifurcating systemHarmonizationPost-grant oppositionBroadest reasonable claimPresumption of validity
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我國專利法在2003年進行大幅修正,其中包含建立早期公開機制及廢止異議制度,而仍然維持舉發制度繼續運作,故舉發制度在「公眾審查」精神下將扮演更重要角色。然而,修正後之舉發制度尚存許多待改進空間,例如:如何建立雙方當事人制度、如何建立專家審查制度、如何適切應用一事不再理原則、如何改進行政及普通法院雙軌制等。本文除就該等既存議題進行研析,期求找出答案,並認為尚有更多其他議題必須探討,方足以進一步改進我國之舉發制度。因此,本文從「專利國際調和」之角度提出建議,認為在改進既有舉發制度外,更應仿效歐洲之無效程序,在公眾審查之抽象概念外,達到實際「降低訴訟」之效果,以促進我國舉發制度之體質改良,朝調和化目標邁進。 承上,我國專利舉發制度所面臨之挑戰及學術探討之方向如下:第一,基於特殊之國際關係,我國非多數國際智慧財產權組織或協定之會員國,故面對相關國際規章,如何妥善因應乃一問題。第二,我國法制繼受大陸法系,然專利法卻受海洋法系之美國影響,如何在既有法制體系下效法美國制度亦是一問題。第三,如前述,修正後舉發制度尚存許多待改進之空間,如何歸納改進事項實為一大工程。第四、亦如前述,仿效歐洲之無效程序,以促進我國舉發制度之體質改良乃一積極作為,如何藉此達調和化目標,亦為一研析重點。 是以,本文於第二部分先介紹專利調和化之演進,繼之於第三部分敘述我國專利舉發之沿革及其理論基礎,第四部分則是分項研析專利舉發之成立要件、舉發成立之檢驗標準、一方當事人及雙方當事人制度之比較、專家審查制度在舉發及訴訟階段之適用、專利範圍解釋及專利權推定有效之應用、一事不再理原則之研析、及行政普通法院二元制之改進等。第五部分先綜述第四部分之各項改進要點,並進一步建議考量採用歐洲之無效程序,以促進我國舉發制度之體質改良,並朝調和化目標邁進。第六部分為結論。
After a major overhaul rendered in 2003 to the Taiwan's Patent Law, scholars continue to discuss whether our patent system is properly functioning, wherein the patent revocation system has been one of these areas being reviewed. This article seeks to address the need of another overhaul of the current revocation system, along with suggestion of adoption of post-grant opposition system as a supplement to current system, thus that we would be able to approach toward the global patent law harmonization. In this article, Part II identifies current trend of said harmonization of global patent laws, Part III provides a review of the development of revocation system in the Patent Law, followed by Part IV which addresses current post-grant revocation system in the Patent Law, Specifically, it diagnoses grounds for revocation, threshold of revocation, ex parte and inter partes, expert panel for revocation and appeal, broadest reasonable claim and presumption of validity, res judicata, and bifurcating legal system. Part V provides a proposal to harmonizing Taiwan's patent revocation system by adding curative measures to current revocation system and adopting post-grant opposition for future revocation system. Finally, Part VI offers a conclusion.
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