

作者:張世沛 引用關係黃世賢
作者(外文):Chang, Shih-peiHuang, Shih-hsien
主題關鍵詞:中臺科技大學體適能常模Central Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyPhysical fitnessNorm
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教育部於民國86年委託中國文化大學,針對中、小學學生進行體適能檢測,製定了7至18歲中、小學學生體適能常模,又於88年委託中華體育學會,以隨機抽樣方式,針對全國50所大專院校學生進行體適能檢測,將檢測結果分析並編製成大專院校學生體適能常模。本研究目的旨在尋找各項體適能常模編製方法並建立中臺科技大學學生體適能常模。以6100名男、女學生為研究對象,體適能測驗方法依據教育部所訂定的標準化測驗流程,測驗項目有:身高、體重、坐姿體前彎、一分鐘屈膝仰臥起坐、立定跳遠與女生800公尺、男生1600公尺跑走等,測驗所得的資料以SPSS for windows 10.0套裝軟體進行統計分析,結果將編製成中臺科技大學學生體適能常模量表。期盼中臺科技大學學生體適能常模建立後,本校體育教師可藉由學生體適能檢測資料去了解學生的體適能狀況,針對個別差異進行課程設計與訓練計畫,而學生可以此常模為個人訓練目標,提昇個人體適能水準,以達到全民健康的目的,進而提昇全人適能之最高境界。
The Chinese Culture University was delegated to perform a norm of physical fitness for the students from 7 to 18 years old in 1997. The national society of Physical Education of the Republic of China was also delegated to survey the norm of college students through random sampling. The purpose of this research was to find out the methods of sit-up and formulate the norm of physical fitness for students in Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology. The participants included 6,100 male and female students. The survey was based on the standard of the Ministry of Education. The items of this survey included the height, weight, sit and reach, one minute sit-ups, standing long jump and female 800m; male 1600m run/walk. The data were analyzed by SPSS for windows 10.0 system. We hope the establishment of norm will be helpful for Physical Education teachers and students. According to the data of physical fitness, teachers can understand students’ physical conditions, and they also can design courses and arrange training for the individual differences. Students can use the norm as the goal for themselves in order to get better physical fitness performance.
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