

作者:蔡明松林永安宋孟遠 引用關係何添生
作者(外文):Tsai, Ming-songLin, Yeong-anSung, Meng-yuanHo, Tien-sheng
主題關鍵詞:網球選手網球比賽發球Tennis playerTennis gameService
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本文旨在探討網球發球在網球比賽當中,是否為決定勝負之關鍵?好的網球選手應該具備何種發球能力?並且探討如何提升網球選手之發球能力。 本文以世界級職業網球好手為例,探討網球比賽裡,Ace球最多的世界排名前15名的職業選手及第1發球進球率世界排名前15名的職業選手與他們的職業排名是否有關係。另外就如何提升選手之發球能力逐一探討,獲得以下結論: 一、好的網球選手之發球必須具備:(一)發出快速球之能力,(二)發出變化球之能力,(三)穩定性高的控球能力。 二、提昇網球發球能力可採用下列方法 (一)如何擊出快速球:1.增加擊球高度,2.採用加長型球拍,3.加強身體各部位揮拍力學之運用。 (二)如何發出變化球:1.變化球路之打法,2.變化球速之打法。 (三)如何打出更穩定的發球:1.選擇適當的發球位置,2.提高發球準確度之擊球方法。
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether the tennis service elements were played as a key to be a winner at the game. Also, this study investigated what kinds of service abilities a successful tennis player should possess and how those abilities were enhanced. The performances of the top 15 professional tennis players in World Tennis Association (WTA) around the world were used to study whether the determination of the world-ranking were related to the most ace amount, and what percentage of the successful first serve of the top 15 professional tennis players got. In addition, this study also proposed several methods to enhance players’ service abilities. The conclusions were as followed: 1.Good tennis player must have abilities to (1) serve fast ball, (2) serve different types of curve ball, and (3) control the ball with high stability. 2.Methods that we suggest to promote the ability of tennis service include: (1) improving serve speed: increasing the height of stroke, adopting a lengthened racket, and using stroke mechanics for body control; (2) serving the curve ball: serving different types of curve balls, and serving the same type of curve ball with different speed; and (3) serving the ball with more stability: choosing proper serving position, and enhancing serve accuracy.
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