

作者:蔡垂君 引用關係李存修 引用關係
作者(外文):Tsai, Chui-chunLee, Tsun-siou
主題關鍵詞:10年期公債期貨市場微觀結構價量關係雙園邏輯式不對稱非線性平滑移轉自迴歸模式GBFMarket microstructurePrice-volume relationshipbi-LANSTAR
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This paper applies bi-LANSTAR model to investigate on Taiwan 10-year Government Bond Futures. With concept of market microstructure theory, we research asymmetrical price-volume relationship between volume change and return volatility. The study data are measured by intraday intervals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 1 hour. According research purposes, we establish four research propositions to study and compare the interval between first open, last close and total period. The propositions major on: (a) Draw volume change and return volatility form open to close and adjudge the grape is U sharp or not. (b) Adjudge the lead relationship between price and volume. (c) study nonlinear transition function effect on nonlinear price-volume relationship. (d) Compare the effect between volume change and return volatility. It seems exist large change in volume usually make magnitude effect on return volatility. Price-volume relationship is asymmetrical. Two major findings obtain regarding the price-volume relationship: (a) The exchange time intervals from open to close, the graphs of volume change and return volatility is not U sharp, but they’re U+W sharp. In open and close period, volume change and return volatility is higher than other intraday periods. Especially compare with total exchange period, exchange volume and return are significant lower in open interval. It means open period has higher opportunity occur adverse selection and lower market liquidity. That makes institution investors reduce ask or bid in open interval. (b) Because exchanges aren’t frequently and concentrate on any exchange period, only 1 hour intervals data present significant price-volume relationship. Volume change leads return volatility one interval, that’s 1 hour Because nonlinear transition function effect, price-volume relationship is nonlinear. The nonlinear and asymmetrical effect on transition strength is 0.6938. Compare with higher volume change in open period, the effect coefficient of volume change on return volatility is more than 1, that’s 2.3781. Volume change would effect return volatility more magnitude. Price-volume relationship is asymmetrical and nonlinear.
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