

作者:楊千 引用關係彭祖乙傅振華 引用關係
作者(外文):Yang, ChyanPeng, Tsu-iFu, Chen-hua
主題關鍵詞:網路可靠度多路徑負載平衡Network reliabilityMultihomingLoad-balancing
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本研究針對使用於企業多條聯外路徑環境 (multihoming) 的負載平衡演算法作分析及比較。Multihoming是一種提升企業網路運作穩定性的機制,其量測及選擇路徑的方式已經有BGP與RON等相關研究加以探討,但是BGP和RON需要藉由所連接的ISP額外提供大量路由訊息的交換;而使用線路負載平衡則是一種不需要ISP額外提供支援的運作機制,它已經被應用在許多企業網路環境之中,亦有許多商業化的產品可提供企業組織使用。 本研究以三個應用實例:「頻寬聚合」,「擁塞線路反應」及「斷線反應」進行探討。 本研究揭示了不同演算法的反應特性,可作為實務導入時演算法選擇的依據並可供相關演算法進一步的研究使用。
This study investigates load-balanced algorithms applied in multihoming environment for enterprise network. Multihoming is a mechanism to provide reliable connectivity of network. The path measuring and path selecting operations of multihoming networks using BGP and RON have been discussed in many studies, however, BGP and RON require ISPs to exchange extra large routing information. Link load-balancing is another mechanism; it does the path selecting and path measuring jobs well without ISP's extra support. Link load-balancing has already been applied in many enterprise networks. Currently, many commercial products are available. The three practical applications: bandwidth aggregation, link congestion and link failure, would be analyzed and discussed in this study. The responding behaviors of various algorithms are revealed, the results can be used for practical application and further studies.
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