

作者(外文):Liu, Chung-yang
主題關鍵詞:行動上網資料探勘網路問卷決策樹Mobile internet serviceData miningOn-line surveyDecision tree
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無線傳播技術發展日益成熟,消費者得以即時利用行動電話存取網路上的數位內容。儘管國內行動電話的高普及率,但是行動上網服務在臺灣的推行,並未如預期樂觀。因此,必須從找出採用者的特性以推廣行動上網服務。 本研究主要是利用資料探勘技術中的決策樹(decision tree)來進行分類,並探討消費者與採用行動上網之間的關連。所探討的消費者特性包括了性別、職業、年齡以及個人創新特質,其中個人創新特質則以擁有的新科技產品數量與種類做為測量的依據。 由於樣本需要行動上網服務實際使用者。礙於樣本的稀少性,且為了得到較多的使用者資料,在成本時間的考量,本研究利用網路問卷調查的方式,進行調查。最後一共取得409份有效問卷,其中使用者有151位,尚未使用者有258位,並將尚未使用者依未來使用意願分成潛在使用者與不願意使用者。 研究發現性別為影響採用的最大因素,而高科技產品中則以擁有數位相機與個人數位助理(PDA)為最重要之因素。在有效問卷中,擁有數位相機與PDA的男性,採用行動上網的比率達72%。此結果可以提供電信業者在設計行銷策略時,可以針對購買這兩類產品的消費者進行搭配銷售以提高行動上網的使用量。
With the rapid growth of telecommunication technologies, comes a brand new communication paradigm: mobile Internet. Although the usage of the mobile Internet has been expected to increase rapidly, the profits of mobile Internet services providers do not seem to meet their expectations. As a result, this may result from mobile Internet users' initial adoption behavior. The main objective of this study is applying the data mining technology to investigate the relationship between demographic compositions and consumers' adoption of mobile Internet. A decision tree classification rule technique is applied to discover a classification model based on the consumers' sex, occupation, age and innovativeness. Especially, the consumerinnovativeness is measured by the new technology ownership. An on-line survey was conducted in order to find more mobile Internet users. There are 409 valid samples returned, including 151 users and 258 nonusers. The interviewees can be divided into three categories: users, potential users, and nonusers (unwilling to use). According to the results, sex is the most important factor for consumers' adoption. 72% females with digital camera and PDA have already adopted the mobile Internet as far. To have more effective ways of marketing, providers have to make great efforts on these two devices for cross sale in the future.
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