

This article examines the historical development of different Chinese film genres in Taiwan and Hong Kong and outlines their key features and general trend. It also looks comparatively into the distinctive characteristics of the different film genres that developed in Taiwan and in Hong Kong, particularly their significance to the development of Chinese language film genres as a whole. This research covers the period from 1913 to 2003. The article begins with a survey of film development from the late nineteenth century to 1949. Historically, the period around 1970, when there appeared in both Taiwan and Hong Kong film-marking new trends and new genres, can be seen as a turning point. This article, therefore, divides the history of film development in the two regions into two periods: the period before the 1970s and the period that began in the 1970s. It introduces separately the important developments that occurred in Taiwan and in Hong Kong, discusses the social and cultural significance of such developments, and compares the history of film development in the two regions to highlight their distinctive characteristics. A popular conception of genre films is that they are usually formulaic and commercial in character. This study particularly points out that genre films also possess a high degree of vitality and flexibility. In Taiwan and Hong Kong, it is not difficult to see that genre films have not always been pure commerencial productions. In fact, many genre films have been made with political propaganda in mind. And considering that for almost a hundred years, the Chinese had been living in a world of political upheavals, it is understandable that propaganda politics would play a significant part in the development of genre films in Taiwan and in Hong Kong. This political dimension gives Chinese language genre films from Taiwan and Hong Kong a distinctive character, different from commercial genre films made in Hollywood.
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