

作者(外文):Yang, Chih-hungCheng, Yi-fen
主題關鍵詞:東森電視人格特質組織文化創造力Eastern broadcasting corporationEBCPersonalityOrganizational cultureCreativity
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在知識經濟的時代潮流中,人力資源成為企業中重要的資產之一,伴隨而來的就是員工的創造力漸受重視。因此在許多學者的研究中,如何增進員工的創造力變成一項受重視的研究議題。 因此,本研究旨在探討: 1. 不同部門的員工人格特質、組織文化與員工創造力有所差異。 2. 不同的員工人格特質對於員工創造力的影響。 3. 不同類型的組織文化對員工創造力的影響。 本研究使用問卷調查法,以東森電視為研究對象,採用『分層配額抽樣法』對各部門的高階主管、中低階主管與一般員工進行抽樣,於2005年10月11日至31日發放300份調查問卷,實際收有效樣本數為268份(89.33%)。 本研究發現如下: 1. 東森電視員工整體人格特質傾向「開放學習型」。而其中新聞部傾向「外向型」;節目部傾向「開放學習型」;業務行銷部傾向「情緒穩定型」;工程製播部傾向「勤勉正直型」;行政管理部傾向「親近型」。 2. 東森電視整體組織文化傾向「積極創新型」。而其中新聞部傾向「審慎壓力型」;節目部與業務行銷部傾向「積極創新型」;工程製播部傾向「和諧支持型」;行政管理部傾向「科層體制型」。 3. 東森電視整體創造力相當高,在各個部門方面,創造力平均數較高的部門依序為「節目部」和「業務行銷部」;而「行政管理部」的創造力平均數最低。 4. 開放學習型的人格特質最具有創造力,依序為情緒穩定型人格特質、外向型人格特質、勤勉正直型人格特質,最後則是親近型人格特質。 5. 積極創新型的組織文化最具有創造力,依序為審慎壓力型組織文化、和諧支持型組織文化,最後則是科層體制型組織文化。 本研究的發現有助於研究者對媒體組織中員工的人格特質、組織文化和員工創造力的相關性有進一步的瞭解。同時,可提供業界在釐定增進員工創造力的策略時有所參考。
In the tendency of the knowledge economy, human resource becomes more important assets in enterprises. The staff's creativity is noticed gradually. Therefore, how to advance the staff's creativity become an important issue to research. This research aims at probing into: 1. The different personality, organizational culture and staff's creativity in different department. 2. The influence of different personality on staff's creativity. 3. The influence of different organizational culture on staff's creativity. This research carried out the investigation through the questionnaire, and selects the Eastern Broadcasting Corporation as research object. This studywas practiced through a survey to the managers and employees in Eastern Broadcasting Corporation. The main findings of this research are as follow: 1. The personality of various departments in EBC are tend to “openness to experience.”Overall, News department is tend to “extraversion;” Program department is tend to “openness to experience;” Business department is tend to “emotional stability;” Engineering department is tend to “conscientiousness” and Administration department is tend to “agreeableness.” 2. The organizational culture of various departments in EBC are tend to “aggressive-innovative culture.”Overall, News department is tend to “prudential-pressured culture;” Program department and Business department are tend to “aggressive-innovative culture;” Engineering department is tend to “harmonious-supportive culture” and Administration department is tend to “bureaucratic culture.” 3. The creativity of EBC is high, in each department, Program department's average is supreme; Business department's average is the second and Administration department has lowest average. 4. The personality of openness to experience possess highest creativity, and in turn, emotional stability, extraversion, conscientiousness and agreeableness. 5. The organizational culture of aggressive-innovative culture possess highest creativity, and in turn, prudential-pressured culture, harmonious-supportive culture and bureaucratic culture. This research contribution lies in the result can have advance both in academia and practice.
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