

作者:曾淑賢 引用關係
作者(外文):Tseng, Shu-hsien
主題關鍵詞:館藏發展多語文館藏多元文化館藏利物浦市立圖書館臺北市立圖書館溫哥華公共圖書館波士頓公共圖書館皇后區公共圖書館新南威爾斯州立圖書館Collection developmentMultilingual collectionMulticultural collectionLiverpool City LibraryTaipei Public LibraryVancouver Public LibraryBoston Public LibraryQueens Borough Public LibraryState Library of New South Wales
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The changing face of the Taiwan population is reflected in the changing library and information needs of public library patrons. Diverse communities need different types of materials than what has traditionally been available. A key issue in serving the multicultural community is the need to adopt a revised vision of collection development. This article describes the experiences of Australian, Canadian and American public libraries in developing multilingual collection and introduces the methods used in Taipei Public Library to develop collection under the circumstance of globalization and demographic changing.
1.Dilevko, Juris、Dali, Keren(2002)。The Challenge of Building Multilingual Collections in Canadian Public Libraries。Library Resources and Technical Services,46(4),116-137。  new window
2.趙文衡(20000800)。全球化對臺灣經濟的挑戰與衝擊。臺灣經濟研究月刊,23(8)=272,24-30。new window  延伸查詢new window
3.鍾俊文(20040600)。少子化、人口老化及人口減少的成因、衝擊與對策。臺灣經濟論衡,2(6),11-46。  延伸查詢new window
4.楊艾俐(200511)。封面故事--少子海嘯娃娃不見了。天下雜誌,334,118-139。  延伸查詢new window
5.鍾蓮芳(2005)。在臺老外去年破50萬越南新娘最多。民生報。  延伸查詢new window
1.Cultural Perspectives PTY Ltd.(2003)。Culturally Diverse Communities and the Public Library: a Review of NSW Public Library Multicultural Services。Sydney, Australia。  new window
1.Vancouver Public Library(2001)。Collection Development Manual。  new window
2.臺北市立圖書館(2005)。臺北市立圖書館2005~2010年策略計畫。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
3.Liverpool City Library(2002)。Multicultural Services Review Report。Multicultural Services Review Report。Australia。  new window
4.臺北市立圖書館(2005)。館藏發展政策。館藏發展政策。臺北。  延伸查詢new window
5.東京都立圖書館協議會(2008)。21世紀の都民生活を豐かにすゐ都立圖書館の創造—生涯學習社會にぉけゐ都立圖書館の役割—第18期。21世紀の都民生活を豐かにすゐ都立圖書館の創造—生涯學習社會にぉけゐ都立圖書館の役割—第18期。東京。  延伸查詢new window
1.Multilingual Materials Subcommittee, Adult Library Materials Committee, American Library Association(1990)。Guidelines for Multilingual Materials Collection and Development and Library Services,http://www.infolink.ogr/diversity/gmdelines of multilingual, pdf, 2005/10/08。  new window
2.Boston Public Library。Collection Development and Management Policy。  new window
3.孫中英(2005)。今年新生兒僅20萬,人口提前零成長,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
4.徐碧華(2006)。30年後,每2人養1個老人,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
5.Queens Borough Public Library。Collection Development, About Us。  new window
6.Liverpool City Library-Multicultural Services and Resources。  new window
7.臺北市政府主計處。臺北市外僑人口數。  延伸查詢new window
8.(2006)。臺北市立圖書館中外文館藏一覽表。  延伸查詢new window
9.(2005)。臺北市立圖書館近三年中外文圖書資料採購經費分配情形。  延伸查詢new window
10.(2006)。臺北市立圖書館與上海圖書館合作提供館際互借及文獻傳遞服務統計。  延伸查詢new window
11.徐碧華,孫中英(2006)。不到10年,年出生人口減少1/3,臺北。  延伸查詢new window
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