

作者:羅美蘭 引用關係
作者(外文):Lo, Mei-lan
主題關鍵詞:行動研究審美關懷藝術教育Action researchAesthetic caringArt education
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The teacher as the researcher conducted action research for two years at the first general education class of 〈Appreciation of Visual Art〉and sophomore general education class of 〈 Art Performance and Conception 〉 in National Hualien Teachers College from September 2002 to July 2004. The purpose of this study was to develop two art curriculum programmes in general education. This paper was focused on exploring ‘why to teach, what to teach and how to learn’ in visual arts, including concepts for curriculum design, content for teaching and methods for learning. The researcher developed the concept of ‘aesthetic caring’ from the classroom practice, and employed multiple creative strategies of art learning, such as theme-based study, worksheets for each week, personal art diary, group study in art topics, and whole class notes (CD version), in order to inspire students’ artistic sensibility, creativity and critical thinking, further to foster and to achieve students’ autonomous learning and cooperative learning skills. Finally, based on research findings and teaching reflection, the researcher established a website and recommended two curriculum programmes for teaching-learning visual arts in general education.
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1.羅美蘭(2003)。Comparative Analysis of Art Teacher Education in Taiwan and England with Particular Reference to the Aesthetic Domain,London, England。  new window
1.Anderson, T.、Milbrabdt, M. K.(2005)。Art for Life: Authentic Instruction in Art。Boston, MA:McGraw-Hill。  new window
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6.李秀華(2003)。通識教育藝術領域「書法藝術與創作」教學行動研究。藝術領域的行動與省思。花蓮。  延伸查詢new window
7.羅美蘭(2003)。通識教育藝術領域「視覺藝術賞析」教學行動研究。藝術領域的行動與省思。花蓮。  延伸查詢new window
8.羅美蘭(2004)。「藝術的表現與觀念」課程方案。藝術領域的課程設計與實踐。花蓮。  延伸查詢new window
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1.蕭瓊瑞(2000)。時空探奇:走過臺灣美術的長廊,臺中。  延伸查詢new window
2.羅美蘭(2002)。國立花蓮師範學院藝術領域通識課程「視覺藝術賞析」教學大綱,花蓮。  延伸查詢new window
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