

作者:黃瓊瑤 引用關係洪淑君李曉萍柯莉蓁 引用關係
作者(外文):Huang, Chiung-yaoHung, Shu-chungLi, Hsiao-pingKo, Li-chen
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本研究主要目的在於利用生物力學的方法,對飛碟球出手動作進行分析,找出其動作技巧以提供教練和選手們作為訓練的參考指標。本研究以國內優秀女子保齡球運動飛碟球選手一名為研究對象,利用Peak Motus運動影像分析系統探討最後一步的出手過程,將所得數位化資料利用Butterworth程式進行平滑處理以降低誤差,取得修勻後的資料開始進行分析與探討。所得結果如下:在後擺最高點時,球體中心點距地面之垂直高度平均為1.34±0.01公尺與身高百分比為78.82%,肩關節角度為82±2.5度,肘關節角度為161.35度;而在出手瞬間球體中心點距地面之垂直高度平均為0.13±0.01公尺與身高百分比為7.65%,肩關節角度為48.00±3.64度,肘關節角度為160.71度;由手臂後擺最高點至球離手瞬間整個過程總投擲時間平均為0.50±0.03秒;此前擺動作球體之垂直落差為1.22±0.01公尺與身高百分比為71.76%;球體水平方向的總位移為2.00±0.08公尺。上肢各關節點產生最大速度的時刻符合人體動力鏈順序原理,出手瞬間的球速平均值為8.65±009公尺/秒,趨近於水平方向的速度。本研究各項數據分析,以出手高度、速度及角度三方面的標準差無差異,證明受試者在這三方面都具高度穩定性和協調性。
The main purpose of this study was to analyze the release motion of Spinner using biomechanics methods and provide a reference for coach and players during training. The subject in this study was a top female bowling player in Taiwan. The last step of Spinner was examined using the Peak Performance video motion analysis system to discover the characteristics of motion. The accepted digital data carries out smooth processing to reduce errors by using a program of Butterworth. Then it starts to analyze and discuss after it gets the reconditioned data. Results were as follows: At the peak point of backward swing, the vertical height from the center of the ball to the ground was 1.34±0.01 meters with the height of 78.82%. The angle of the shoulder was 82±2.5 degrees and the angle of the elbow was 161.35 degrees. During release, the vertical height was 0.13±0.01 meters with the height of 7.65%, the angle of the shoulder was 48.00±3.64 degrees and the angle of the elbow was 160.71 degrees. The total time from the peak of backward swing to release was 0.50±0.02 seconds. During forward swing, the vertical displacement was 1.22±0.01 meters with the height of 71.76%, and the horizontal displacement was 2.00±0.08 meters. The timing of maximum speed at the joints of the upper limb corresponds to the principle of kinetic chain. The average release speed was 8.65±0.09 m/s which was very close to the speed in horizontal direction. The investigate data of analysis, during release of vertical height from the center of the ball to the ground, speed of the hand, angle of the shoulder without difference, evidence subject in three dimension include stability and coordinate.
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