

作者:許碧芬林晏瑜謝孟樺 引用關係卓秀足 引用關係
作者(外文):Hsu, Bi-fenLin, Yen-yuHsieh, Meng-hwaCho, Hsiu-tsu
主題關鍵詞:類神經模糊技術全形觀點策略性人力資源管理NeuroFuzzyConfigurationStrategic human resource management
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全形觀點為策略性人力資源管理的新近理論潮流,在此觀點下不僅強調人力資源管理活動與策略之間的垂直配適,更強調以整體角度要求 各項人管活動之間的內部水平配適,而且全形理論認為在水平配適下各項人管活動之間具有非線性協同效果和高階多元交互作用,另外也提出 垂直配適之殊途同歸性,認為可以與策略契合以產生組織績效的人力資源管理型態並不限於單一或少數。在這些理論主張下,雖然可以用更完 整的角度來檢視人管活動,但卻也造成實證研究上的困難,也顯示出過去學者常用的線性分析技術之不足,因此本研究提出類神經模糊技術來 解決研究困境,並與傳統統計技術進行比較,以說明兩種方法之差異,期為後續研究者提供一個研究方法的新方向。
The fit of HR practices to organization strategic considerations is highly important to organizational effectiveness. In addition to the "vertical fit" between the HR practices to organizational strategies, configurational theorists as well addressed the importance of the "horizontal fit", that is, the fit among various HR practices in organization, or the internal consistency of the organization's HR practices. In configurational approach, there are "nonlinear synergistic effect" and "higher-order interaction" within HR practices and "equifinality" between organizational strategy and organizational performance. The assertion has made the empirical tests difficult. This research proposed NeuroFuzzy techniques to overcome the limitation of the theory as well as compared the differences of traditional linear statistic analysis and NeuroFuzzy techniques. We expect that this study could arise a new direction on analysis technique for further research.
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