

作者(外文):Lu, Dau-lyeWang, Mu-ning
主題關鍵詞:保護區管理效能快速評估與設定優先法參與式工作坊社區參與權益關係者Protected areaManagement effectiveness assessmentRAPPAMWu-wei-kang wildlife refuge
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本研究以宜蘭縣無尾港野生動物保護區為對象,透過文獻回顧、訪談與焦點團體等質性研究方法收集資料,並邀集權益關係者舉辦參與式工作坊,試操作世界自然基金會的保護區經營管理效能快速評估與設定優先法 (WWF RAPPAM) ,並進行經營管理效能評估的探討。研究初期,由於權益關係人間複雜的關聯與互動,無法順利進展,然透過狀況與問題分析,彼此分享與認知各自對保護區的付出與投資,恰逢私有地主徵收意願書的收集工作終告完成,醞釀出舉辦工作坊的契機。參與式工作坊則順利達成對保護區的目標與重要工作事項的共識,縣政府更將其修訂入保育計畫書,實質回饋保護區的經營管理機制架構。由此個案發現,由於基本資料缺乏,使WWF RAPPAM 難以順利操作;然參與式工作坊卻能有效促進各權益關係者的互動與對話,進而形塑共識,對保護區的經營管理架構做出修改與貢獻。本研究顯示,要施行參與式的取徑,需要更多的時間來舖陳。
This study used the Wu-wei-kang Wildlife Refuge as a case study to try to test the feasibility of the WWF RAPPAM methodology in Taiwan. It adopted mainly the qualitative methods, such as literature review, interview and focus group, to collect information and materials in the field. The research team invited the stakeholders of this protected area to assemble a workshop and to discuss and evaluate management effectiveness of this refuge as the WWF RAPPAM suggested. It met difficulties to call everybody together for diversified opinions and positions and complicated interactions on management of this refuge among stakeholders in the early stage of this research. Then we conducted the situation and problem analysis and share the results with all potential participants of the workshop to let them have a whole picture on and recognized efforts of different actors on this refuge. Meanwhile, the local authority has finally collected the documents of consent of all landowners to sell their lands by the core wetlands of this refuge to the government. These softened the toughness and antagonism between stakeholders and created the space for the following workshop. In the workshop, stakeholders have achieved some consensus on new objectives and major management items of this refuge. Further, the local authority has adopted the results of this workshop in its new amendment of management plan on this refuge. This meant the genuine feedback to the management framework. The result of this study showed that although we were not able to apply the WWF RAPPAM successfully and completely in this case, we can be engaged in effective dialogue among stakeholders and achieve some common views that make some changes and improvements for the management of this refuge. This research also revealed that it needed more time for the processes to engage a participatory way on evaluating management effectiveness of protected areas.
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