

作者:黃介良 引用關係李翎竹
作者(外文):Huang, Chai-liangLee, Ling-chu
主題關鍵詞:退休基金風險態度投資行為投資組合調整修正模型Pension fundRisk aversionInvestment behaviorPortfolio reversion
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In order to describe the investment strategies and risk aversion of pension fund, the expected utility maximization models with portfolio reversion are developed and tested in this paper. The empirical results show that both the long-term risk attitudes of the Civil Service Pension Fund and mutual funds are insignificant. While mutual funds' short-term investment behaviors are consistent with the wealth maximization, Civil Service Pension Fund's are not. The investment strategies and investment behaviors of Civil Service Pension Fund have been changed by the interventions of government.
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