

題名:中西「神 (天)」人關係之思想的比較探討
作者(外文):Meng, Guang-lin
主題關鍵詞:基督教儒家神人關係天人關係相分合一ChristianityConfucianismCombine each other in to oneRelations between god and humanRelations between heaven and humanSeparated from each other
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In thinking about the relations between God and human or Heaven and human, both Christianity and Confucianism were not bogged down in simple theoretic models which maintained they should be separated from each other or each other should be combined into one wholly. However, they expressed the respective clear different thinking orientations. In dealing with the idea of human separating from God, what Christianity stressed was the antithesis between Human and God or this world and the Kingdom of Heaven, which declared clearly the restriction sole supra-nature God imposed on Human. That human was separated from Heaven, According to Confucianism, displayed the dividing line between human and Mother Nature, and emphasized that human utilized and mastered Mother Nature. In interpreting the idea of human being combined with God, what Christianity explained is that God controlled human and human should return to Kingdom of Heaven, that this world would be replaced by Paradise. In contrast to this, Confucianism also stressed that human should be combined with Heaven, but its purpose was to make great efforts to provide a sacred veil of Heaven's Order for everything relating to human, including morals, rites, institutions even social changes. Ideas of the Relations between God (Heaven) and Human in Christianity and Confucianism exerted the different important influences on the connotations of thought in the traditional cultures, as well as the trends of historical development in China and the West.
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