

題名:The Poetics of X: The Xing Controversy in the Chinese Literary Tradition
書刊名:Tamkang Review
作者:Yau, Ka-fai
主題關鍵詞:詩經指涉比喻轉義文類符號中國詩學中國文學史XingThe odesGenreStimulusSignificationTropeChinese poeticsChinese literary history
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Xing is one of the most debated and elusive terms in the Chinese critical vocabulary. It is often associated with The Odes, which is widely considered the earliest anthology of songs in the Chinese literary tradition. This article discusses the ways xing, whether as a concept, a genre, a literary trope or a mode of literary thought, assimilates with the Chinese literary and cultural tradition, and at the same time unsettles the convention of meaning and signification. A conceptual definition of xing and the specific meanings of xings in The Odes may remain unknown. But that does not really matter. It is in its mobility across different signifying and conceptual schemes that xing continues to exist. The more or less 2000-year history of the xing controversy reveals that xing is not only about excavating things to be known, but also about postulating the unknown. Thus xing is constantly an X in terms of signification.
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