

作者(外文):Yeh, Shih-ChunYeh, Hui-Fang
主題關鍵詞:輔助療法血液透析無望感癌症Complementary therapyHemodialysisHopelessnessCancer
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Hemodialysis patients usually have a sense of hopelessness. This can affect their physical, mental and spiritual health, and can even be life- threatening. This article discusses a nursing experience involving a dialysis patient who also suffered from cancer had and a sense of hopelessness due to the distress caused by the two severe illnesses. The author assessed the patient by means of Roy's theory during the nursing period (5/7/2005-6/18/2005). Data were collected through physical assessments, interviews, observation of interaction with family members and a medical history review. The patient had characteristics of hopelessness, such as pessimism, moodiness, frequent sighing, frowning, eye-closing and negative thinking. The author applied a safe, easy, and non-invasive complementary therapy program including music therapy, aromatherapy and massage with essential oil to improve the patient's physical and mental states. Through these approaches, the patient learned to release stress, and to express his feelings, so that he could adapt to his current life, changed as it was by the illnesses, and face the impact of those illnesses with a positive attitude. The author would like to share this case report to provide nursing professionals with a source of reference for healthcare quality improvement.
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