

作者(外文):Liou, Chin-Ping
主題關鍵詞:主觀幸福感社會支持主觀心理健康生活滿意度家境清寒大學生Subjective well-beingSocial supportSubjective mental healthLife satisfactionLow-income familiesCollege students
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本研究目的在了解家境清寒大學生的幸福感指數及社會支持、兩者之相關、及其與同儕在此二變項上之差異。採結構式問卷調查方式。以輔仁大學進修部一至四年級學生為研究對象,採立意取樣,選取94上學期領有共同助學金或清寒助學金的同學;再以隨機分層取樣,各年級抽一班。以自填式問卷方法進行資料收集,共發出問卷300份,回收有效問卷236份,其中99份屬中低收入戶,137份為一般生。以描述統計分析、皮爾森積差相關、單因子變異數分析法和T檢定進行資料分析。研究結果和下: (一) 近三分之二的家境清寒學生,對生活持著滿意或肯定的態度。 (二) 五分之四的家境清寒學生認為自己完全沒有或有輕微的心理困擾;五分之一認為自己有中度到非常嚴重的心理健康問題。 (三) 家境清寒學生的幸福感呈正向,幸福感主要來自人際互動,最少來自金錢的滿足。 (四) 家境清寒學生的社會支持呈正向,介於「經常如此」和「有時如此」之間,主要是情緒上的支持。 (五) 家境清寒學生的幸福感與社會支持呈顯著正相關。 (六) 家境清寒學生與其同儕在生活滿意度上呈顯著差異。 (七) 研究對象接受社會支持和主觀心理健康,因性別不同而有顯著差異。   根據以上結果,為學生及學校提出數項建議;未來研究則可考慮擴充研究對象、加入質的或長期縱貫研究方法,以便對此議題進行更深入的探討。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the subjective wellbeing of the university students from low-income families (LIF), the relationship between subjective wellbeing and social support, and whether the subjective wellbeing of this group of students varied from that of the regular students. The sample population consisted of 99 students from low-income families and 137 regular students from the continuing education section of Fu Jen University. Structured questionnaires including Satisfaction with Life Scale, Subjective Mental Health Scale, Chinese Well-being Scale, Social Support Scale, and a Demographic Information Form were used to assess participants' subjective wellbeing and social support, and to gather demographic data. A descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation, one-way ANOVA, and independent sample t-test were employed for data analysis. The main findings were as follow: 1. About two third of the LIF students held a positive attitude toward life. 2. Four fifth LIF students considered themselves without any or with slight psychological difficulties; one fifth though themselves with average to very serious mental health problem. 3. The subject well-being of the LIF students was above average; the main well-being source was personal relationship, the least from material satisfaction. 4. The social support of the LIF students was above average; mainly emotional support. 5. The subjective well-being of the LIF students revealed a significant positive correlation with social support. 6. The life satisfaction of the LIF students different from that of the regular students. 7. Female participants received more support than male while male students reported less mental health problems than female. Based on the research findings, suggestions to students and the university administration and recommendations for future studies were made.
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