

作者(外文):Yeh, Mei-YuChen, Ya-Sin
主題關鍵詞:青少年效果預期飲酒拒酒自我效能AdolescentsAlcohol expectancyDrinkingDrinking refusal self-efficacy
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Indigenous adolescents' alcohol use is an important issue in Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to use a cognitive model of drinking to analyze how alcohol-use expectations and drinking-refusal self efficacy influence drinking behavior among Taiwan's indigenous adolescents. A total of 500 students randomly selected from 10th to 12th grades of six high schools in eastern Taiwan participated in the survey. Survey data was self-reported and analyzed with multiple linear regression methods. The results showed that indigenous adolescents have positive-outcome expectations for drinking, such as increasing self-confidence, enhancing cognition, and relieving tension. Under pressure of social interaction, drinking is most difficult to refuse; frequency of usage will noticeably increase, as well. Both drinking expectations and drinking-refusal self-efficacy have noticeable influences on indigenous adolescents. This study's results can be used as a foundation for a strategy to prevent problem drinking of Taiwan's indigenous adolescents.
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