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9.Gould, D.、Udry, E.、Tuffey, S.、Loehr, J.(1996)。Bumout in competitive junior tennis players: I. A quantitative psychological assessment。The Sport Psychologist,10,322-340。  new window
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23.Vealey, R. S.、Udry, V. M.、Zimmermann, V.、Soliday, J.(1992)。Intrapersonal and situational predictors of coaching bumout。Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology,14,40-58。  new window
24.Wiggins, M. S.、Lai, C.、Deiters, J. A.(2005)。Anxiety and bumout in female collegiate ice hockey and soccer athletes。Perceptual and Motor Skills,101(2),519-524。  new window
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2.Lu, J. H.(2003)。Prediction of competition anxiety and athlete burnout: A comparisons of perfectionism and achievement goals。4th Conference of the Asia-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology。Seoul, Korea。  new window
1.盧俊宏、夏淑蓉、楊孟容、張鏡鐘(2001)。運動員競技倦怠量表之修訂研究。  延伸查詢new window
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3.Collins, K. C.(2002)。An examination of factors influencing entrapment and burnout among collegiate female field hockey and lacrosse coaches(博士論文)。The University of North Carolina。  new window
4.Hunt, K. R.(1983)。The relationship between occupational stressors and bumout among coaches(博士論文)。University of Iowa。  new window
5.Vlahos, A. J.(1997)。Interpersonal, individual and situational factors associated with burnout in student athletes(博士論文)。Michigan State University。  new window
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1.Pargman, D.(1998)。Understanding sport behavior。New Jersey:Prentice Hall。  new window
2.Maslach, Christina、Leiter, Michael P.(1997)。The Truth About Burnout: How Organizations Cause Personal Stress and What to Do About It。Jossey-Bass Publishers。  new window
3.Maslach, C.、Jackson, S. E.(1986)。The Maslach Burnout Inventory Manual。Palo Alto, CA:Consulting Psychologists Press。  new window
4.Maslach, C.、Jackson, S. E.、Leiter, M. P.(1996)。Maslach Burnout Inventory manual。Consulting Psychologists Press。  new window
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